Contribution guide Code of Conduct
A curated list of awesome XOOPS CMS modules, themes, tutorials & other useful resources
The current version of XOOPS is 2.5.x
The upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS CMS is crafted on GitHub at:
XOOPS tutorials are on GitBook. Some of the tutorials of interest are:
You can find the list of actively updated modules on GitHub's XoopsModules25x
Here are some modules that you might find useful to start with XOOPS CMS
This is a list of Themes that you might find useful to start with XOOPS CMS
- Designing for XOOPS
- XOOPS - To Create Dynamic Web Sites Simply
- Building websites with Xoops: A step-by-step tutorial
- Customizing XOOPS
- XOOPS Primer - where people create Web
- Multi-functional community to make the site!
- XOOPS Community Development Guide
- Make it with XOOPS!
- XOOPS Cube Legacy
- Creating with XOOPS Cube Legacy
- Build a portal site with XOOPS
- Home portal site for Windows- your Web server to create in XOOPS
- Profitable eCommerce with XOOPS
- Attracting Customers and profitability with XOOPS
- XOOPS+Smarty
- The full functionality of XOOPS 2.5
- Create personalized website with XOOPS 2.5.x
- Simple XOOPS 2.5 site creation
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, XOOPS Project has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.