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The multi-objective aims to find a set of paths with minimized costs.
Variables | Meaning |
network | Dictionary, {node 1: {node 2: [weight 1, weight 2, ...], ...}, ...} |
source | The source node |
destination | The destination node |
h | The uniformly distributed number on each objective |
lambda_list | List, the uniformly distributed vectors |
gen | The maximum number of generations (iterations) |
pop | Population size = len(lambda_list) |
neighbor_size | Neighbor size |
B | List, B[i] stores the indexes of the neighbor_size nearest neighbors of population[i] |
p_mutation | The probability of mutation |
neighbor | List, [[the neighbor nodes of node 1], [the neighbor nodes of node 2], ...] |
nw | The number of objectives |
population | List, all individuals ({'pareto rank': the Pareto rank (integer), 'chromosome': the chromosome (path), 'objective': the objective value on each objective (list)}) |
z | List, reference point, i.e., the best ever value of each objective |
EP | List, external population to store non-dominated solutions |
ep_path | List, a set to record all non-dominated paths that have been found |
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_network = {
0: {1: [62, 50], 2: [44, 90], 3: [67, 10]},
1: {0: [62, 50], 2: [33, 25], 4: [52, 90]},
2: {0: [44, 90], 1: [33, 25], 3: [32, 10], 4: [52, 40]},
3: {0: [67, 10], 2: [32, 10], 4: [54, 100]},
4: {1: [52, 90], 2: [52, 40], 3: [54, 100]},
source_node = 0
destination_node = 4
print(main(test_network, source_node, destination_node, 20))
{'path': [0, 3, 4], 'objective': [121, 110]},
{'path': [0, 2, 4], 'objective': [96, 130]},
{'path': [0, 3, 2, 4], 'objective': [151, 60]},