Gatsby source plugin that exposes multiple GraphQL endpoints as a single merged schema. This plugin is based on the gatsby-source-graphql
npm install --save @xebiastudio/gatsby-source-graphql-multiple
To use this plugin, add the following to your Gatsby configuration:
// gatsby-config.js
exports.plugins = [
resolve: `@xebiastudio/gatsby-source-graphql-multiple`,
options: {
typeName: `MyCombinedSource`,
fieldName: `myCombinedSource`,
// The paramName will create a query parameter on myCombinedSource that determines which source to use
// As an example, let's imagine that each source contains content in a specific language
paramName: `language`,
sources: [
key: `en`,
url: ``
key: `fr`,
url: ``
This will allow you to query content in the following way:
query GetContent($language: String!) {
myCombinedSource(language: $language) {
# This part of the query is delegated to the source with key === $language
pages {
nodes {
This plugin works well when you have more than one GraphQL source with the same schema, such as:
- When using WPGraphQL on a WordPress site that is using the MultiSite plugin
- When using multiple Contentful spaces with the same content model (when using space-level localization as mentioned here)
To publish a new version, run
npm version major|minor|patch
This will automatically update the version in the package.json
, commit the change and tag it. Push your changes:
git push && git push --tags
Whenever a new tag is created, Github Actions will automatically publish the new version to the Package Registry.