Implementation without using local memory.
$ git clone
$ cd bitonic
$ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build
We have some options in working modes of program. After running program you need to enter number of data elements to sort (N) and then elements themself.
In build/
$ ./bitonic_sort
$ N ...
Available options:
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] display help info and exit
--globsz arg Set global size
--locsz arg Set local size
-k [ --kernel ] arg Set path to the kernel file
-o [ --offset ] arg Set kernel offset in queue
--compare arg Turn on comparison sorts:
cpu - bitonic sort using cpu,
sort - std sort.
--time Print consumed time to sort data.
--print arg Print sorted data (default value: true)