Players Finder
Restrictions Finder
Bans Finder
- MySQL (by MySQLOO module)
- Firebase
- SQLite
Use "xpa help" to get an ingame list.
Keep in mind that there are aliases so you don't have to type entirely !teleport but you can also type !tp and !tele.
This is provided for the most part of the commands so you can type commands instinctively and it would be ok in the most cases.
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* Menus:xpa info
xpa menu
xpa finder
* Communication:
xpa gag [steamid/name/uid]
xpa ungag [steamid/name/uid]
xpa mute [steamid/name/uid]
xpa unmute [steamid/name/uid]
* Moving:
xpa teleport [steamid/name/uid]
xpa goto [steamid/name/uid]
xpa return [steamid/name/uid]
* Player:
xpa hp [steamid/name/uid> [number]
xpa gethp [steamid/name/uid]
xpa ar [steamid/name/uid] [number]
xpa getar [steamid/name/uid]
xpa god [steamid/name/uid]
xpa weapon [steamid/name/uid]
xpa fs [steamid/name/uid] (family sharing check)
xpa noclip
xpa cloak
* Punishment:
xpa ban [steamid/name/uid]
xpa unban [steamid/name/uid]
xpa kick [steamid/name/uid]
xpa jail [steamid/name/uid] [time]
xpa unjail [steamid/name/uid]
xpa ignite [steamid/name/uid] [time]
xpa unignite [steamid/name/uid]
xpa slay [steamid/name/uid]
xpa freeze [steamid/name/uid]
xpa unfreeze [steamid/name/uid]
* Server:
xpa setrank [steamid/name/uid] [rank]
xpa rcon [...]
xpa map [mapname]
xpa maplist (print a server map list)
xpa teamlist (print a server team list)
* Voting:
xpa votekick [steamid/name/uid]
xpa votemap [mapname]
* DarkRP:
xpa hg [steamid/name/uid] [number]
xpa setjob [steamid/name/uid] [team]
xpa arrest [steamid/name/uid] [time]
xpa unarrest [steamid/name/uid]
xpa pban [steamid/name/uid] (police team ban)
xpa unpban [steamid/name/uid] (police team unban)
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[sh] [no return] Entity:SetSimpleTimer(number delay, function func)[sh] [no return] Entity:SetTimer(string identifier, number delay, number repetitions, function func)
[sh] [no return] Entity:RemoveTimer(string identifier)
[sh] [boolean] Entity:TimerExists(string identifier)
[sh] [no return] XPA.IncludeCompounded(string path)
[sh] [no return] XPA.AddResourceDir(string path)
[sh] [entity] XPA.FindPlayer(string id)
[sh] [number] XPA.FindBiggest(table numbers)
[sh] [number] XPA.FindSmallest(table numbers)
[sh] [boolean] XPA.IsEmpty(vector pos, vector ignore)
[sh] [vector] XPA.FindEmptyPos(vector pos, table ignore, number distance, number step, vector area)
[sh] [table] XPA.NameSortedPlayers()
[sh] [table] XPA.TeamSortedPlayers()
[sh] [table] XPA.ParseArgs(string str)
[sh] [string] XPA.ConvertTime(number time, number limit)
[sh] [string] XPA.TimeToStr(number time)
[sh] [boolean] XPA.IsValidSteamID(string id)
[sh] [boolean] XPA.IsValidSteamID64(string id)
[sv] [no return] XPA.MsgC(string msg)
[sv] [no return] XPA.ChatLog(string msg)
[sv] [no return] XPA.AChatLog(string msg)
[sv] [no return] XPA.ChatLogCompounded(string adminmsg, string usermsg)
[sv] [no return] XPA.SendMsg(entity pl, string msg)
[sv] [no return] XPA.Ban(string id, number time, string reason)
[sv] [no return] XPA.Unban(string id)
[sv] [boolean] XPA.IsBanned(string id)