To run the annotator type:
julia annotate.jl --help
Running the chloe server. In a terminal type:
JULIA_NUM_THREADS=4 julia src/chloe_svr.jl --level=info
In another terminal start julia:
using JuliaWebAPI
i = APIInvoker("tcp://")
# fasta and output should be relative to the server's working directory!
ret = apicall(i, "chloe", fastafile, outputfile) # outputfile is optional
code, data = ret["code"], ret["data"]
@assert code === 200
fname, elapsed_ms = data["filename"], data["elapsed"]
# to terminate the server
apicall(i, ":terminate")
Start julia -- in this directory -- and type ]
then type:
pkg> activate .
pkg> instantiate
pkg> status