Utah Release
This github tag is tied to the release of the following SDCard images:
PYNQ-Z1 v2.4 SDCard image
PYNQ-Z2 v2.4 SDCard image
ZCU104 v2.4 SDCard image
ZCU111 v2.4 SDCard image
Within those image files, PYNQ v2.4 is already installed. Updates to PYNQ since the last release include:
- Board Additions
- RFSoC support added in the new ZCU111-PYNQ repository
- Programmable Logic Updates
- All bitstreams built using Vivado 2018.3
- Partial reconfiguration support added (beta)
- Expanded metadata parsing using the Vivado hwh files
- SDBuild Updates
- Boot partition built on Petalinux 2018.3
- SDSoC 2018.3 support added
- Vagrant configuration file for users building their own SDCard images
- Yocto recipes added for including PYNQ in Petalinux root filesystems