WFH Release
This github tag is tied to the release of the following SDCard images on
PYNQ-Z1 v2.6.0 SDCard image
PYNQ-Z2 v2.6.0 SDCard image
ZCU104 v2.6.0 SDCard image
ZCU111 v2.6.0 SDCard image
Within those image files, PYNQ v2.6.0 is already installed. Updates to PYNQ since the last release include:
Upgraded Software
- All overlays built with Vivado 2020.1
- Linux kernel and build updated to Petalinux 2020.1
Productivity Additions
- Docker support enabled in the kernel config
- Pybind11 support and notebook added for C++ integration
- Support for BOOT.BIN bitstream inclusion for custom sdcard builds
- added to boot partition to enable modifications to the PYNQ boot flow
- Removed Xlnk allocator from all notebooks - please now use pynq.allocate
- Tcl parsing removed - please generate and use an HWH file for Overlays