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Netflix GPT: AI-powered Netflix clone with GPT-based movie recommendations, built with React, Zustand, Firebase, and Vite.


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Netflix GPT 🎥🤖

Netflix GPT is a Netflix clone that uses AI to provide personalized movie recommendations. Users can search for movies and get suggestions powered by GPT.

This project is based on a boilerplate by ascii-16 and was inspired by Akshay Saini. It uses modern tools like React, React Query, Zustand, TypeScript, and Vite for a fast and smooth experience. Additionally, it features i18n for localization, Firebase Authentication, and DaisyUI for a Tailwind-based UI design.

🚀 Tech Stack

My Tech Stack

💡 Features

  • 🎯 AI-powered movie recommendations using GROQ AI
  • 🌎 Multi-language support via i18next
  • 🔒 Secure authentication using Firebase
  • ⚡ Super-fast builds and optimizations with Vite
  • 💻 Elegant UI and state management using Zustand and DaisyUI
  • 🔐 Type safety with TypeScript

💻 Required Versions

Tool Version
NodeJS >=16
TypeScript >=4.9.4

📋 Getting Started

Clone the repository

git clone
cd netflix-gpt

Install dependencies

pnpm install

Running the app

pnpm run dev

🛠️ Scripts

Command Description
start Run build:css then watch TailwindCSS and Vite concurrently
watch:css Watch for changes in index.css and output to styles.css using TailwindCSS
build:css Build CSS using TailwindCSS from index.css to styles.css
build Run TypeScript compiler, build CSS and then Vite build
preview Run Vite preview
lint Lint TypeScript files using ESLint
lint:fix Fix linting issues in TypeScript files using ESLint
format Format .ts, .tsx, and .json files using Prettier
test Run Jest tests
release Run standard-version for versioning
commit Use git-cz for commits
prepare Set up Husky for git hooks in a production environment

🌲 Project Structure

├── public
└── src
  ├── components
  ├── pages
  ├── services
  ├── store
  └── types
  ├── routes
  ├── lib
  ├── i18n
Folder Description
src/ Contains the main source code for the application.
components Reusable React components, each handling a specific piece of the UI.
lib Miscellaneous utility functions, helpers, and other standalone pieces of logic.
pages Components representing full pages in the application, typically corresponding to routes.
routes Configuration and components related to routing in the application.
services Functions or classes that handle tasks like API calls, data processing, or other "service"-like tasks.
store Zustand stores for state management.
i18n Internationalization and localization configuration and utilities.
public/ Contains static assets like images, fonts, and the entry HTML file. Assets in this directory are served directly and are not processed by bundlers like Vite.

🤝 Contribution

If you'd like to contribute to this boilerplate, feel free to fork and send a PR. All contributions are welcome!

📝 License



Netflix GPT: AI-powered Netflix clone with GPT-based movie recommendations, built with React, Zustand, Firebase, and Vite.








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