Requirements | Installation | Usage
Documentation can be found on the official website.
- PHP 8.0+
- Laravel 8+
To install the package via composer, Run:
composer require xpyct/sql-viewer
After installing the package, publish the front-end assets by running:
php artisan sql-viewer:install
This is the content that will be published to config/sql-viewer.php
return [
* By default this package will only run in local development.
* Do not change this, unless you know what your are doing.
'enabled' => env('SQL_VIEWER_ENABLED', env('APP_ENV') === 'local'),
* The SqlViewer page will be available on this path.
'path' => env('SQL_VIEWER_PATH', 'sql-viewer'),
* These middleware will be assigned to every SqlViewer route, giving you the chance
* to add your own middlewares to this list or change any of the existing middleware.
'middleware' => [
// Uncomment this if you want to add auth middleware
// 'auth',
* Forbidden actions in SQL queries
'forbidden_actions' => [
* Maximum number of rows that can be returned from a query (add it to the LIMIT clause)
'max_limit' => 100,
Once the installation is complete, you will be able to access SQL Viewer directly in your browser.
By default, the application is available at: {APP_URL}/sql-viewer
To authorize, add your email to the sql-viewer config and set enabled variable.
You can register a viewSqlViewer gate with your own logic. A good place to do this is in the AuthServiceProvider that ships with Laravel.
public function boot()
Gate::define('viewSqlViewer', function ($user = null) {
return true;
The MIT License (MIT).