Author: Xuan Nguyen Tested on Windows OS Command Prompt. node.js version number: v18.13.0 npm version number: 8.19.3 Based on:
If there is NO package.json file then create one by executing
npm init
It will ask some questions and then generate the package.json file
Install and add the dependency to package.json by exectuing
npm install --save (as of npm 5.x.x it will generate a package-lock.json whicH can be ignored)
However there is already a package.json file inside the zip file, the required modules are specified in its dependencies section. First make sure to be in the same directory with the package.json and package-lock.json files. To install the dependencies in package.json, execute this command:
npm install
Launch Instructions:
node server.js
Open several Chrome browser instances at the URL address: http://localhost:3000/chatClient.html Enjoy :)