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This repository contains AutoHotkey (AHK) scripts, which do a lot of really cool and very useful things. For more information on AutoHotkey, how to use it and how to write AHK scripts, check out the AutoHotkey documentation.


Most of the scripts in this repo only work for Windows, still the functionalities, that don't rely on Windows specific things, might work on other OSes too.

AHK files

How to install AutoHotkey?

For downloading and installing the AutoHotkey program, just go to their website and click on the Download button. For the scripts in this repo, only v2.0 is used, so click to download that. If downloaded, run the installer.

After the installation has finished, you should be good to go and can execute the downloaded AHK scripts. If you want the scripts to start automatically on PC startup, follow the next steps:

How to Make an AHK File Start Automatically


  1. Create your AHK file.
  2. Press Win + R, type %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, and press Enter.
  3. Place a shortcut of your AHK file, or the script file itself, in this folder.


  1. Convert your AHK script into an executable using Wine or Crossover.
  2. Move the executable to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/.
  3. Create a .plist file in the same directory to launch it at login.

Example .plist content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Linux (Ubuntu)

  1. Use Wine to run AHK scripts on Linux.
  2. Create a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart/ with the following content:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine /path/to/your/ahk/script.ahk
Name=AutoHotkey Script

XulbuX AHK

This is the main AHK file, which includes all the functionalities you need, in one single script.
⇾ You can easily customize shortcuts, text replacements and everything else in the code.
⇾ You can also easily copy and paste existing parts of the code to add more shortcuts, text replacements, etc.

Auto Clicker

That's right, this script contains an auto clicker! It's no ordinary auto clicker though, this auto clicker works differently:

  • Hold the left mouse button and after about a second it will automatically continue clicking the left mouse button really quickly until you release it.
  • The same thing goes for the right mouse button.
  • Press Shift + Ecs to enable/disable the auto clicker.

Code Operations

  • Ctrl + Shift + U converts the selected to all uppercase:
    If you want to convert text with linebreaks to uppercase, coy that text and then press Ctrl + Shift + U. If you now paste the text again, it will be all uppercase.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L converts the selected to all lowercase:
    If you want to convert text with linebreaks to lowercase, coy that text and then press Ctrl + Shift + L. If you now paste the text again, it will be all lowercase.
  • Alt + N normalizes the selected text:
    • lowercases everything
    • replaces characters like äöü... with ae, oe, ue, ...
    • replaces characters like åéî... with a, e, i, ...
    • replaces spaces with a dashes -
    • removes any other special characters
  • Ctrl + Shift + S will open the selected text as website/URL.
  • Ctrl + Alt + S will web search for the selected text.

Lock PC

  • Win + < to lock the PC.
  • Win + Shift + < to lock the PC and put it to sleep.
  • Win + Ctrl + < to lock the PC and put it to hibernate.

Launch Apps

  • Win + Alt + B to launch your browser.
  • Win + Ctrl + B to launch your browser in incognito mode.
  • Win + Alt + V to launch VisualStudioCode:
    • If you have one or multiple files/directories selected in the File Explorer, it will open them in VisualStudioCode.
  • Win + E to launch the File Explorer:
    1. If you have a path selected, it will open the Explorer in that location (if it exists).
    2. If you already are inside an open Explorer window, it will launch the new Explorer window at the same path as the old Explorer window.
  • Win + Alt + C to launch the Windows Terminal:
    1. If you have a path selected, it will open the Terminal in that location (if it exists).
    2. If you are in an open File Explorer window, it will launch the new Terminal at the path that's open in the Explorer.

In-App Operations

  • File Explorer:
    • F1 to toggle hidden-files display.
    • Ctrl + Shift + Z to compress the selected files and directories into a zip file.

Add/Remap Shortcuts

  • Ctrl + Tab to switch between the last two opened windows, just like Alt + Tab, but instantly.

More Keyboard Combinations

This will add more keyboard combinations to write more than the default special characters:

Keyboard Combination will write
AltGr + T
AltGr + C ©
AltGr + R ®
AltGr + . ·
AltGr + Shift + .
AltGr + -
AltGr + Shift + - ±
AltGr + Shift + 7 ÷
AltGr + X ×
AltGr + P
AltGr + Space  (large whitespace)
AltGr + Shift + Space
Ctrl + Shift + Space  (tab character)
Alt + -
Alt + Shift + -
Alt + <
Alt + Shift + <

Replace Text

Here you can write certain patterns followed by one or multiple # which will get replaced with something else.

The first replacing patterns are for time and date:

gets replaced with instant or not
@# date & time: DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss N: gets replaced only after a non-word text character is written behind it
@@# Unix timestamp N
date# date: DD.MM.YYYY N
date## date: YYYYMMDD N
time# time: HH:mm N
time## time: HH:mm:ss N
year# year: YYYY I: the replacement occurs instantly
month# month name I
day# day name I

Then there is just small patterns, that get replaces with text. These can all be replaced with your real email, name or anything else. The replacements here occur all instantly:

gets replaced with text
FL# Firstname Lastname
fl# firstname.lastname

Then there's a bunch of special text characters, you can type, by writing a pattern with one or multiple # behind it, which will then get replaced with the special character. I won't list all patterns here, but you can find them all at the bottom inside the AHK file. Here's a few examples what those patterns look like:

gets replaced with character/s instant or not
=# N
==# I
micro# µ I
permil# I
permille# I
3/4# ¾ I
-># N
->## N
->### N
=## ╣║╗╝╚╔╩╦╠═╬ N

There are also a ton of emojis, which you can write their name followed by a # to get that emoji.Here there are even multiple different names you can use to get the same emoji. The replacements here again occur all instantly. Again, I'm not going to list them all here, but here's a few examples:

gets replaced with emoji
smile# happy# cheerful# 😊
joy# rofl# xd# 😂
sob# weep# bawl# 😭
steaming# furious# outrage# fury# 😡
thumbsup# like# upvote# 👍
thumbsdown# dislike# downvote# 👎
perfect# ok# okay# good# 👌
peace# victory# yeah# ✌️
programmer# coder# dev# 👨‍💻
refresh# reload# update# 🔁
pause# wait# suspend# ⏸️
folder# dir# directory# 📁
file# textfile# doc# document# 📄
flame# fire# burn# 🔥
water# drop# raindrop# 💧
ice# ice_cube# freeze# frozen# 🧊
dia# diamond# gem# gemstone# 💎
crown# royal# king# queen# lead# leader# 👑

There's also a few more things, like the @# pattern, which gets replaced with the current date, and the time# pattern, which gets replaced with the current time.