Made this tool as a small help for me to make and fix computers for me and my friends. This tool works by scraping PC components from the 3 biggest sellers in Lebanon:
- Mojitech
- PC and Parts
- Ayoub Computers
It takes that data and spits it out into a text file for each site that the user is then able to browse through using a simple JavaSwing GUI. This app also currently has the following features:
- Saving and reloading PC builds.
- Opening any component in the default browser
- Updating the item lists with the click of a button (need to add progress bar later)
- Searching through items (takes all the string into account so you might miss an item you want if that string is not exact) (case does not matter)
- Sorting by category
- Sorting by price
If you get any use out of this project you are very welcome and thank you for checking out this project.