- .NET6
- Entity Framework Core – Code First
- Repository Pattern
- Response Wrappers
- Action Filters
- Automapper
- Docker
- Net Core Identity with JWT Authentication,Refresh Token
- Role Based Authorization
- Database Seeding
- Custom Exception Handling Middleware,
- Caching (Memory and Redis single interface configure from appsettings.json file example using => Business Concrete Category Manager)
- Complete User Management (Register / Generate Token / Forgot Password / Confirmation Mail)
- Logging (Serilog),Validation (Fluent Validation),Transaction,Exception,Performance with Aspects (Autofac,Castle.DynamicProxy)
- Vue3
- Composition API
- Typescript
- Vuelidate
- Tailwindcss
- Pinia
- Route guards
- Dashboard
For api, you must edit the appsettings.json file before typing these commands. I used postgresql as database but you can change it
Docker support added you can start project with docker, first you must look docker compose yaml file rediscache settings eg. and write
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build
When the project is up, the migrations run automatically, but you can run it manually with the following command.
dotnet ef database update --context MovieContext --project "DataAccess" --startup-project "WebAPI"
After these commands, a database will be created.
Default Admin Account :
Username : admin
Password : 159357456qW
npm install
quasar dev
I made this project inspired by the project made with Laravel in the link, I made additions to it. Login, Register, Favorites (Add-Remove), Dashboard Panel eg.