- Admin Mode Inventory Switch: Toggle between your regular player inventory and a separate admin inventory.
- Player Warnings: Issue warnings to players, store and view warnings, and clear specific warnings.
- Player Reports: Players can report issues, which are stored and viewable by admins in a GUI.
- Configuration Reload: Reload the plugin's configuration without restarting the server.
- Auto IP Ban: Automatically ban a player's IP after a configurable number of warnings.
- Permissions: Configurable permissions for commands to ensure only authorized users can perform certain actions.
- Discord Integration: Notifications about new reports and warnings are sent to specified Discord channels.
- Toggle between player inventory and admin inventory./warn <player> <reason>
- Issue a warning to a player./warnings <player>
- View the number of warnings a player has./warnmenu
- Open a GUI to view all player warnings./warnclear <player> <warning number>
- Clear a specific warning from a player./mywarns
- View your own warnings (if enabled in config)./report <issue>
- Report an issue to the admins./reportmenu
- Open a GUI to view all player reports./yetisutils reload
- Reload the plugin's configuration.
- Permission to toggle admin mode.yetisutils.warn
- Permission to issue warnings.yetisutils.warnings
- Permission to view player warnings.yetisutils.warnmenu
- Permission to open the warnings GUI.yetisutils.warnclear
- Permission to clear player warnings.yetisutils.mywarns
- Permission for players to view their own warnings.yetisutils.report
- Permission to report issues.yetisutils.reportmenu
- Permission to open the reports GUI.yetisutils.reload
- Permission to reload the plugin configuration.
#YETIs Utils made by YETI
#reason for making it felt like it tbf
#plugin creation date 23-05-2024
#plugin version 3.5 - release date 02-06-24
log-time-and-date: true #enable or disable the logging of when a warn was given
enablePlayerWarningsView: true #enable or disable player being able to view their own warns
debug: false #for debugging does spam console when used recommended false (i dont think this even works anymore :/ )
maxWarningsBeforeBan: 0 # Set to 0 for unlimited warnings, any other number for the warning limit before ban-ip a player
enableReportFeature: true #this will enable or disable the ingame report feature so player will or wont be able to use /report
# Discord Bot Settings
# https://discord.com/developers/applications this is to create a new bot for your server then past its token in the discord-bot-token including the ""
# note you need the ID for the text channel using devmode on discord, once enabled right click the channel and a new copy id button will be available
# if you don't want to use the discord part of this plugin leave it how it is now
discord-bot-token: "YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"
discord-report-channel-id: "YOUR_DISCORD_REPORT_CHANNEL_ID"
discord-warning-channel-id: "YOUR_DISCORD_WARNING_CHANNEL_ID"