This program is a common file player for the rosbag, which is modified based on file_player_mulran.
Video: file_player_common demo
This player can load rosbag files and modify playback speed, pause and other operations;
Support Livox lidar custom messages type;
Support compressed image data.
- Compile the source
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin_make -j8
# If you want to load Livox lidar custom data types, you need to use the following
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
cd ..
catkin_make -DCOMPILE_LIVOX=TRUE -j8
- Modify yaml file
If you want to use file_player_common plays rosbag files with different topic, you only need to modify the "topic.yaml" file in the config folder.
lidar_topic : "/points_raw" # lidar topic, The data type must be sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 or livox_ros_driver::CustomMsg
imu_topic : "/imu_raw" # imu topic, The data type must be sensor_msgs::Imu
gps_topic : "/nav_sat_fix" # gps topic , The data type must be sensor_msgs::NavSatFix
camera_topic : "/camera/image_color/compressed" # camera topic , The data type must be sensor_msgs::Image or sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
- Run the launch file
roslaunch file_player_common file_player_common.launch
Thanks for file_player_mulran.
Maintainer: Giseop Kim (
This program is a file player for the MulRan dataset.
- We now support to generate a rosbag from the files. This is a contribution from Daniel Adolfsson and we are very grateful for his efforts (for the details: see The pull requests from @dan11003)
- Use the 'Save bag' button.
- Note
- Currently only Radar files are saved into a rosbag with ground-truth trajectory (not body frame, but UTM coordinate) as Odometry topic. Later, we plan to support lidar, imu, and gps topics as well as the radar files in a single rosbag.
- We released IMU and GPS data (consumer-level), as well as the originally delivered LiDAR and radar data.
- The model specification and the extrinsic calibration (i.e., the sensor position within our car platform) is equivalent to our lab's other dataset (Complex Urban Dataset, IJRR 19), so please refer the paper.
- We expect these data supports GPS-aided radar researches, LiDAR-IMU fusion such as LIO-SAM (example video), or radar-imu fusion.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch file_player file_player.launch
- Then, you need to select a sequence directory via GUI.
- For the correct load, first you need to place the GPS, IMU, LiDAR, and radar files in a directory following this structure (see this guide video)
- IMU and GPS files (.csv) must be located at the same directory of "data_stamp.csv"
- Jinyong Jeong: The original author
- Minwoo Jung: made the player system compatible with LIO-SAM input (i.e., supports ring information of a lidar scan)