This repository consists of answers for the past year's papers on the subject AACS1084 Programming Concept and Design II.
Each past year's papers will have one folder, with the naming convention YEAR-MON (eg. 2023-OCT). The folder will consist of a single file which includes the link to the past year's paper and all the answers. Any extra code or explanation related to the question will have its own file within the folder.
- Check if the past year's paper answer is not available, nor assigned to anyone to be in charge of in the issue tab.
- Submit your issue or comment on the related issue to volunteer to contribute a specific past-year paper.
- After being assigned to the issue, you can fork the repository and start to work with the past year's paper answer.
- Follow the format as in 2023-OCT paper for filling out the answer. Markdown(.md) files are being used to record the contents. Here is the formatting syntax
- For any extra explanation of the answer, create a new markdown(.md) file within the folder to make further explanation (give a meaningful file name related to the content of the explanation, no limitation in content formatting), and link the file from the file.
- Upon completing the answers, commit the changes into your forked repository.
- Make a pull request so the content can be merged into the master repository after being reviewed.
The same process will be carried out for issues regarding errors/problems within the answer available.
Attention: Don't copy-paste the questions from the past year's paper, as the questions are confidential.