A repository for YOWCT work on the Smart City project. Includes aspects of Ottawa's Smart Cities Challenge submission and Ottawa's evolving Smart City strategy.
On September 26th, 2017, Dan Monafu sent a YOWCT draft response to the City of Ottawa. The document, "YOWCT_comments_Smart_City_Strategy_draft.docx" , has been included in this repository. The background is covered in the email:
From: Dan Monafu dan@yowcivictech.ca Date: Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 12:36 PM Subject: Re: Smart City Symposium Review Material To: "Eason, Matt" Matt.Eason@ottawa.ca Cc: "René de Cotret, Marc" Marc.RenedeCotret@ottawa.ca, "Gray, Donna L" donna.gray@ottawa.ca, James Chan james@hubottawa.org
Hello Matt, Marc, and Donna,
Thank you for the invitation to participate in the City’s draft Smart City Strategy. We were very pleased that Ottawa Civic Tech was included in the September 14 Symposium at Invest Ottawa, and feel strengthened by the positive dialogue and engagement on the day.
We were able to spend last week’s hacknight at Civic Tech diving into the draft text; together with a small group of other co-founders, we drafted a few comments (attached), in case useful to you for future iterations. We organized it into 3 blocks of high level comments based on three themes that emerged (citizen/economic/innovation), and ended with specific line-item comments.
Thanks again for the invitation. We’d be happy to expand on any of the points made either in person or through convening a table with our community, as useful. We are also available to contribute in other ways, such as joining the working group mentioned in the draft.
We look forward to continuing the conversation.
Dan and James and all
Ottawa Civic Tech