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fix some of incidence
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alexjbest committed Dec 22, 2023
1 parent 6de02e3 commit 6e1ce7a
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 56 deletions.
123 changes: 67 additions & 56 deletions LeanCamCombi/Incidence.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Alex J. Best, Yaël Dillies
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Ring
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Intervals
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.BigOperators
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.GroupAction.Pi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,29 +315,25 @@ instance moduleRight [Preorder α] [Semiring 𝕜] [AddCommMonoid 𝕝] [Module
Function.Injective.module _ ⟨⟨((⇑) : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕝 α → α → α → 𝕝), coe_zero⟩, coe_add⟩
FunLike.coe_injective coe_smul'


instance algebraRight [PartialOrder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder α] [DecidableEq α] [CommSemiring 𝕜]
[CommSemiring 𝕝] [Algebra 𝕜 𝕝] : Algebra 𝕜 (IncidenceAlgebra 𝕝 α) where
toFun c := algebraMap 𝕜 𝕝 c • (1 : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕝 α)
map_one' := by
ext; simp only [mul_boole, one_apply,, smul_apply', map_one]
simp only [mul_boole, one_apply,, smul_apply', map_one]
map_mul' c d := by
ext a b
obtain rfl | h := eq_or_ne a b
· simp only [smul_boole, one_apply,, mul_apply, Algebra.mul_smul_comm,
boole_smul, smul_apply', ← ite_and, algebraMap_smul, map_mul, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc,
if_pos rfl, eq_comm, and_self_iff, Icc_self]
simp only [mul_one, if_true, Algebra.mul_smul_comm, smul_boole, MulZeroClass.zero_mul,
ite_mul, sum_ite_eq, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, mem_singleton]
rw [Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one, Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one]
simp only [mul_one, Algebra.mul_smul_comm, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, if_pos rfl]
· simp only [true_and_iff, ite_self, le_rfl, one_apply, mul_one,,
mul_apply, Algebra.mul_smul_comm, smul_boole, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, smul_apply',
algebraMap_smul, ← ite_and, ite_mul, mul_ite, map_mul, mem_Icc, sum_ite_eq,
MulZeroClass.mul_zero, smul_zero, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, if_pos rfl, if_neg h]
refine' (sum_eq_zero fun x _ ↦ _).symm
exact if_neg fun hx ↦ h <| hx.2.trans hx.1
ext a b
obtain rfl | h := eq_or_ne a b
· simp only [smul_boole, one_apply,, mul_apply, Algebra.mul_smul_comm,
boole_smul, smul_apply', ← ite_and, algebraMap_smul, map_mul, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc,
if_pos rfl, eq_comm, and_self_iff, Icc_self]
· simp only [true_and_iff, ite_self, le_rfl, one_apply, mul_one,,
mul_apply, Algebra.mul_smul_comm, smul_boole, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, smul_apply',
algebraMap_smul, ← ite_and, ite_mul, mul_ite, map_mul, mem_Icc, sum_ite_eq,
MulZeroClass.mul_zero, smul_zero, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, if_pos rfl, if_neg h]
refine' (sum_eq_zero fun x _ ↦ _).symm
exact if_neg fun hx ↦ h <| hx.2.trans hx.1
map_zero' := by dsimp; rw [map_zero, zero_smul]
map_add' c d := by dsimp; rw [map_add, add_smul]
commutes' c f := by classical ext a b hab; simp [if_pos hab]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,18 +396,18 @@ variable (𝕜) [AddCommGroup 𝕜] [One 𝕜] [Preorder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder
/-- The Möbius function of the incidence algebra as a bare function defined recursively. -/
def muAux (a : α) : α → 𝕜
| b =>
if h : a = b then 1
if a = b then 1
-∑ x in (Ico a b).attach,
let h := mem_Ico.1 x.2
have : (Icc a x).card < (Icc a b).card :=
card_lt_card (Icc_ssubset_Icc_right (h.1.trans h.2.le) le_rfl h.2)
muAux x
termination_by' ⟨_, measure_wf fun b ↦ (Icc a b).card
muAux a x
termination_by muAux a b => (Icc a b).card

lemma muAux_apply (a b : α) :
muAux 𝕜 a b = if a = b then 1 else -∑ x in (Ico a b).attach, muAux 𝕜 a x := by
convert _ _; rfl
rw [muAux]

/-- The Möbius function which inverts `zeta` as an element of the incidence algebra. -/
def mu : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 α :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,11 +441,15 @@ variable [AddCommGroup 𝕜] [One 𝕜] [PartialOrder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder α
lemma mu_spec_of_ne_right {a b : α} (h : a ≠ b) : ∑ x in Icc a b, mu 𝕜 a x = 0 := by
have : mu 𝕜 a b = _ := mu_apply_of_ne h
by_cases hab : a ≤ b
· rw [← add_sum_Ico hab, this, neg_add_self]
· have : ∀ x ∈ Icc a b, ¬a ≤ x := by intro x hx hn; apply hab; rw [mem_Icc] at hx ;
· rw [Icc_eq_cons_Ico hab]
simp [this, neg_add_self]
· have : ∀ x ∈ Icc a b, ¬a ≤ x := by
intro x hx hn
apply hab
rw [mem_Icc] at hx
exact le_trans hn hx.2
conv in mu _ _ _ ↦ rw [apply_eq_zero_of_not_le (this x H)]
exact sum_const_zero
convert sum_const_zero
simp [apply_eq_zero_of_not_le (this ‹_› ‹_›)]

end MuSpec

Expand All @@ -461,24 +462,25 @@ variable (𝕜) [AddCommGroup 𝕜] [One 𝕜] [Preorder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder
-- therefore mu' should be an implementation detail and not used
private def mu'Aux (b : α) : α → 𝕜
| a =>
if h : a = b then 1
if a = b then 1
-∑ x in (Ioc a b).attach,
let h := mem_Ioc.1 x.2
have : (Icc (↑x) b).card < (Icc a b).card :=
card_lt_card (Icc_ssubset_Icc_left (h.1.le.trans h.2) h.1 le_rfl)
mu'Aux x
termination_by' ⟨_, measure_wf fun a ↦ (Icc a b).card
mu'Aux b x
termination_by mu'Aux b a => (Icc a b).card

private lemma mu'Aux_apply (a b : α) :
mu'Aux 𝕜 b a = if a = b then 1 else -∑ x in (Ioc a b).attach, mu'Aux 𝕜 b x := by
convert _ _; rfl
rw [mu'Aux]

private def mu' : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 α :=
fun a b ↦ mu'Aux 𝕜 b a, fun a b ↦
not_imp_comm.1 fun h ↦ by
dsimp only at h
rw [mu'Aux_apply] at h
split_ifs at h with hab hab
split_ifs at h with hab
· exact hab.le
· rw [neg_eq_zero] at h
obtain ⟨⟨x, hx⟩, -⟩ := exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero h
Expand All @@ -505,12 +507,17 @@ section Mu'Spec
variable [AddCommGroup 𝕜] [One 𝕜] [PartialOrder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder α] [DecidableEq α]

lemma mu'_spec_of_ne_left {a b : α} (h : a ≠ b) : ∑ x in Icc a b, (mu' 𝕜) x b = 0 := by
have : mu' 𝕜 a b = _ := mu'_apply_of_ne h by_cases hab : a ≤ b
· rw [← add_sum_Ioc hab, this, neg_add_self]
· have : ∀ x ∈ Icc a b, ¬x ≤ b := by intro x hx hn; apply hab; rw [mem_Icc] at hx ;
have : mu' 𝕜 a b = _ := mu'_apply_of_ne h
by_cases hab : a ≤ b
· rw [Icc_eq_cons_Ioc hab]
simp [this, neg_add_self]
· have : ∀ x ∈ Icc a b, ¬x ≤ b := by
intro x hx hn
apply hab
rw [mem_Icc] at hx
exact le_trans hx.1 hn
conv in mu' _ _ _ ↦ rw [apply_eq_zero_of_not_le (this x H)]
exact sum_const_zero
convert sum_const_zero
simp [apply_eq_zero_of_not_le (this ‹_› ‹_›)]

end Mu'Spec

Expand All @@ -525,26 +532,27 @@ lemma mu_mul_zeta : (mu 𝕜 * zeta 𝕜 : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 α) = 1 := by
split_ifs with he
· simp [he]
· simp only [mul_one, zeta_apply, mul_ite]
conv in ite _ _ _ ↦ rw [if_pos ( H).2]
rw [mu_spec_of_ne_right he]
convert mu_spec_of_ne_right he
rw [if_pos ( ‹_›).2]

lemma zeta_mul_mu' : (zeta 𝕜 * mu' 𝕜 : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 α) = 1 := by
ext a b
rw [mul_apply, one_apply]
split_ifs with he
· simp [he]
· simp only [zeta_apply, one_mul, ite_mul]
conv in ite _ _ _ ↦ rw [if_pos ( H).1]
rw [mu'_spec_of_ne_left he]
convert mu'_spec_of_ne_left he
rw [if_pos ( ‹_›).1]

end MuZeta

section MuEqMu'

variable [Ring 𝕜] [PartialOrder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder α] [DecidableEq α]

lemma mu_eq_mu' : (mu 𝕜 : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 α) = mu' 𝕜 :=
left_inv_eq_right_inv (mu_mul_zeta _ _) (zeta_mul_mu' _ _)
lemma mu_eq_mu' : (mu 𝕜 : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 α) = mu' 𝕜 := by
exact left_inv_eq_right_inv (mu_mul_zeta _ _) (zeta_mul_mu' _ _)

lemma mu_apply_of_ne' {a b : α} (h : a ≠ b) : mu 𝕜 a b = -∑ x in Ioc a b, mu 𝕜 x b := by
rw [mu_eq_mu']; exact mu'_apply_of_ne h
Expand All @@ -565,8 +573,8 @@ variable (𝕜) [Ring 𝕜] [PartialOrder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder α] [Decidable
lemma mu_toDual (a b : α) : mu 𝕜 (toDual a) (toDual b) = mu 𝕜 b a := by
letI : @DecidableRel α (· ≤ ·) := Classical.decRel _
let mud : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 αᵒᵈ :=
{ toFun := fun a b ↦ mu 𝕜 (of_dual b) (of_dual a)
eq_zero_of_not_le' := fun a b hab ↦ apply_eq_zero_of_not_le hab _ }
{ toFun := fun a b ↦ mu 𝕜 (ofDual b) (ofDual a)
eq_zero_of_not_le' := fun a b hab ↦ apply_eq_zero_of_not_le (by exact hab) _ }
suffices mu 𝕜 = mud by rw [this]; rfl
suffices mud * zeta 𝕜 = 1 by
rw [← mu_mul_zeta] at this
Expand All @@ -579,9 +587,11 @@ lemma mu_toDual (a b : α) : mu 𝕜 (toDual a) (toDual b) = mu 𝕜 b a := by
obtain rfl | h := eq_or_ne a b
· simp
· rw [if_neg h]
conv in ite _ _ _ ↦ rw [if_pos ( H).2]
change ∑ x in Icc (of_dual b) (of_dual a), mu 𝕜 x a = 0
exact mu_spec_of_ne_left h.symm
convert_to ∑ x in Icc (ofDual b) (ofDual a), mu 𝕜 x a = 0
-- rw [if_pos ( H).2]
-- exact mu_spec_of_ne_left h.symm

lemma mu_ofDual (a b : αᵒᵈ) : mu 𝕜 (ofDual a) (ofDual b) = mu 𝕜 b a :=
Expand All @@ -591,7 +601,7 @@ end OrderDual

section InversionTop

variable {α} [Ring 𝕜] [PartialOrder α] [OrderTop α] [LocallyFiniteOrder α] [DecidableEq α] {a b : α}
variable [Ring 𝕜] [PartialOrder α] [OrderTop α] [LocallyFiniteOrder α] [DecidableEq α] {a b : α}

/-- A general form of Möbius inversion. Based on lemma 2.1.2 of Incidence Algebras by Spiegel and
O'Donnell. -/
Expand All @@ -602,7 +612,7 @@ lemma moebius_inversion_top (f g : α → 𝕜) (h : ∀ x, g x = ∑ y in Ici x
∑ y in Ici x, mu 𝕜 x y * g y = ∑ y in Ici x, mu 𝕜 x y * ∑ z in Ici y, f z := by simp_rw [h]
_ = ∑ y in Ici x, mu 𝕜 x y * ∑ z in Ici y, zeta 𝕜 y z * f z := by
simp_rw [zeta_apply]
conv in ite _ _ _ rw [if_pos ( H)]
conv in ite _ _ _ => rw [if_pos ( ‹_›)]
_ = ∑ y in Ici x, ∑ z in Ici y, mu 𝕜 x y * zeta 𝕜 y z * f z := by simp [mul_sum]
_ = ∑ z in Ici x, ∑ y in Icc x z, mu 𝕜 x y * zeta 𝕜 y z * f z := by
Expand All @@ -619,21 +629,21 @@ lemma moebius_inversion_top (f g : α → 𝕜) (h : ∀ x, g x = ∑ y in Ici x
simp [Sigma.ext_iff] at *
rwa [and_comm']
· intro X hX
use⟨X.snd, X.fst⟩
use ⟨X.snd, X.fst⟩
simp only [and_true_iff, mem_Ici, eq_self_iff_true, Sigma.eta, mem_sigma, mem_Icc] at *
exact hX.2
_ = ∑ z in Ici x, (mu 𝕜 * zeta 𝕜) x z * f z := by
conv in (mu _ * zeta _) _ _ rw [mul_apply]
conv in (mu _ * zeta _) _ _ => rw [mul_apply]
simp_rw [sum_mul]
_ = ∑ y in Ici x, ∑ z in Ici y, (1 : IncidenceAlgebra 𝕜 α) x z * f z := by
simp [mu_mul_zeta 𝕜, ← add_sum_Ioi]
conv in ite _ _ _ rw [if_neg (ne_of_lt <| H)]
conv in ite _ _ _ rw [if_neg (not_lt_of_le <| ( H).le)]
conv in ite _ _ _ => rw [if_neg (ne_of_lt <| H)]
conv in ite _ _ _ => rw [if_neg (not_lt_of_le <| ( H).le)]
_ = f x := by
simp [one_apply, ← add_sum_Ioi]
conv in ite _ _ _ rw [if_neg (ne_of_lt <| H)]
conv in ite _ _ _ rw [if_neg (not_lt_of_le <| ( H).le)]
conv in ite _ _ _ => rw [if_neg (ne_of_lt <| H)]
conv in ite _ _ _ => rw [if_neg (not_lt_of_le <| ( H).le)]

end InversionTop
Expand All @@ -647,8 +657,9 @@ O'Donnell. -/
lemma moebius_inversion_bot (f g : α → 𝕜) (h : ∀ x, g x = ∑ y in Iic x, f y) (x : α) :
f x = ∑ y in Iic x, mu 𝕜 y x * g y := by
convert @moebius_inversion_top 𝕜 αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ f g h x

ext y
erw [mu_to_dual]
erw [mu_toDual]

end InversionBot

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