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Yale Intramural Sports App

This project is a web application designed to manage and track Yale's intramural sports events. The app offers users a range of features, including:

  • Checking leaderboards to track standings
  • Accessing scores and reviewing game schedules
  • Adding events directly to your Google Calendar
  • Exploring college overviews to see detailed insights about different teams

Additionally, the app allows for real-time updates and scoring of games, keeping all participants and spectators up-to-date.

Table of Contents

Contribution Guide

First, read this ReadMe in its entirety (you're off to a good start). Generally, people who contribute are part of the y/cs. If you have a contribution you want to make, but you are not part of the ymeets team within the y/cs, we welcome you to open a Pull Request. You can either solve an open issue that has not been assigned to someone, or contribute a new feature of your design. A successfully merged PR of significant contribution will earn you implicit membership in the org. You will be credited on the site.

If you wish to design your own feature, we encourage you to reach out to the ymeets team first at, as we reserve the right to reject any contributions we are not consulted on.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Firebase Firestore, Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Authentication: Firebase Authentication
  • Database: Firebase Firestore
  • Deployment: Firebase Hosting



  • Node.js (v16+)
  • Firebase account
  • Yale CAS setup for authentication

Backend Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd database/functions
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up Firebase:

    • Create a Firebase project and enable Firestore.
    • Add your Firebase credentials in a .env file:
  4. Start the backend server:

    • Then, start the backend server:
      npm run start

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the frontend folder:

    cd ../frontend
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables in .env.local for the frontend:

  4. Run the development server:

    npm run dev

Project Structure

'./database/functions/src': Houses all our Firebase Functions that handle database querying and inputting. All functions are written in TypeScript('.ts' file ending)

'yaleims/frontend/src': Houses all the React components for the different pages of the web app.

'yaleims/frontend/src/app': Houses the routing for the general page layouts.

The Web App is broken down into 8 general pages with their supporting components stored under the corresponding folder in 'yaleims/frontend/src/components'.

  • [./About]
  • [./AddScores] (Special page only visible to admin, achieved with 'withProtectedRoute.tsx')
  • [./faq]
  • [./Home]
  • [./Profile]
  • [./Schedule]
  • [./Scores]
  • [./YOdds]

There are also additional typescript components ('Footer.tsx', 'LoadingScreen.tsx', and 'NavBar.tsx') that are used throughout the app

'./src/context': Holds contexts that allow for themes to be maintained across renderings (Filtering, Themes, or Users Info)

'./src/hooks': Holds GCal and CAS Login integration

'./src/types' and './src/utils': Hold interfaces and types to used throughout the app

Main Contributers

  • Anna Xu ('24.5)
  • Daniel Morales ('27)
  • Ephraim Akai-Nettey ('27)
  • Kaitlyn Oikle ('27)
  • Brian Di Bassinga ('26)
  • Vojtech Kysilka ('28)
  • Farhan Baig ('27)
  • Ella White ('27)