This project was developed under a previous phase of the Yale Digital Humanities Lab. Now a part of Yale Library’s Computational Methods and Data department, the Lab no longer includes this project in its scope of work. As such, it will receive no further updates. The current version of this website, not reflected here, is owned by Professor Elihu Rubin.
Mapping New Haven's architectural history.
The New Haven Building Archive (NHBA) is a digital archive of the buildings in New Haven. This repository houses the site's source code and guides for building the site locally or on EC2 instances.
This application requires Node.js (version 6 or higher) and MongoDB.
Data migrations within this application require pymongo (pip install pymongo
To run this application on your machine, open a terminal and run:
# obtain application source and enter repository
git clone
cd nhba
# load database
wget -O nhba.archive
mongo nhba --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
mongorestore --db nhba --archive=nhba.archive
# obtain images
wget -O build.tar.gz
tar -zxf build.tar.gz
# install nvm, e.g. with brew
brew install nvm
# install node compatible with this library
nvm install v10.24.1
nvm use v10.24.1
# install dependencies
npm install --no-optional
# start production server
npm run production
The application will then be available on localhost:8080
You can optionally open another terminal window, cd into the nhba directory, and run npm run start
to start a development server on 8081. This development server depends on the production server, but features hot module reloading for quicker development speed.
To deploy this app on an Amazon Linux instance on EC2, one must:
- install the application dependencies
- obtain ssl certificates
- configure the app for https
- store required environment variables
- create file upload directory
- provision superadmin users
- and then start the application
# Install Node.js on Amazon Linux
curl -o- | bash
. ~/.nvm/
nvm install 6.10.0
node -v
# Install MongoDB on Amazon Linux
sudo touch /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo
sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo
# paste the following:
name=MongoDB Repository
sudo yum install -y mongodb-org
sudo service mongod start
sudo chkconfig mongod on
Let's Encrypt allows users to obtain free SSL certificates for bound domain addresses. To run the Let's Encrypt client and obtain certificates, you must create an Elastic IP for your EC2 instance, obtain a domain name (e.g. and bind your EC2 instance to the domain. For users using NameCheap, this post provides a thorough guide.
Once this is done, one can download and run the Let's Encrypt client with the following commands:
# get Let's Encrypt client
chmod a+x certbot-auto
# pass domain to -d; must be a bound domain, not a raw IP
sudo ./certbot-auto --debug -v --server certonly -d YOURDOMAIN.EXT
Here YOURDOMAIN.EXT refers to the domain to which your instance is bound. When prompted, select the second option (temporary server) to process your certificates.
Then update nhba/config.js
file to reflect the location of your certificates. The default location is /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURDOMAIN.EXT/fullchain.pem
To run your application on HTTPS, just update nhba/config.js
config.api = {
protocol: 'https',
port: 443,
prefix: 'api'
Add the following variables to ~/.bash_profile
export NHBA_EMAIL='YOURGMAILACCOUNT' # e.g. catparty
export NHBA_SECRET='NHBA_SECRET' # equivalent to `rake secret`
export NHBA_SALT_WORK_FACTOR=10 # encryption difficulty
export NHBA_ENVIRONMENT='production' # switch to production
export NHBA_ADMIN_EMAILS='' # space separated emails
export NHBA_SUPERADMIN_EMAILS='' # space separated emails
Then source ~/.bash_profile
Create a directory in which user uploads can be kept: mkdir build/assets/uploads/files
Only superadmin users can appoint other admin users. Superadmin users must be appointed at the command line level:
# enter nhba db
mongo nhba
# find a user by their email address and make them a superadmin
db.users.update({'email': ''}, {$set: {'superadmin': true}})
npm run compress
sudo node server.js
You may wish to use a wrapper like forever.js to keep your server running...