CIRCshapemapper2 is a pipeline to analyze the circSHAPE-MaP data. Using this pipeline, you could produce a SHAPE reactivity file of circRNA, which was used for modeling RNA secondary structure.
- ShapeMapper-2.1.3
The requirement of ShapeMapper-2.1.3 installation please read the in ShapeMapper2 package. - python3
Install ShapeMapper-2.1.3 first. please add PATH of shapemapper_mutation_counter and shapemapper_mutation_parser from ’/shapemapper-2.1.3/bin/‘ folder in your .bashrc or .profile
All add script of CIRCshapemapper v2 in your PATH. The file '' ,'' , '' and '' are from shapemapper-2.1.3 .
Description: CIRCshapemapper version 2 pipeline. Merge two primer product sequences. Suit for single circRNA. multiple circRNAs should run respectively .
Usage: -f circRNA.fa -t circRNA -p circPrimer.txt -P primer_pair -N NAI_R1.fastq -n NAI_R2.fastq -D DC_R1.fastq -d DC_R2.fastq -U DMSO_R1.fastq -u DMSO_R2.fastq -M 1000 -o outDir
-f -- circRNA fa file
-t -- target name in shape
-p -- circRNA primer for trim;txt formate
-P -- circRNA primer to generate new reference; txt formate
-N -- NAI samples R1
-n -- NAI samples R2
-D -- Denatured samples R1
-d -- Denatured samples R2
-U -- Untreated sample R1
-u -- Untreated sample R2
-M -- min-deep default 1000
-o -- output document
-v -- verbose mode, output command but out execute
-h -- help information
Version: 2.0
usage: Trim primers from alignment file [-h] [-i INPUT] [-p PRIMER] [-o OUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT sam file
-p PRIMER, --primer PRIMER primer file
-o OUT, --out OUT output file
-p filename -- circRNA primer for trim;txt formate each primer in one line, including forward primers and reverse primers
ACAGTG is a barcode for separate data. If your primers don't contain a barcode, just recode your primer is ok.
-P primer_pair -- circRNA primer for generate new reference;txt formate include two files
Liu CX#, Li X#, Nan F#, Jiang S, Gao X, Guo SK, Xue W, Cui Y, Dong K, Ding H, Qu B, Zhou Z, Shen N*, Yang L* and Chen LL*. Structure and Degradation of Circular RNAs Regulate PKR Activation in Innate Immunity. Cell, 2019, 177(4): 865-880.e21
Guo SK#, Nan F#, Liu CX, Yang L and Chen LL*. Mapping circular RNA structures in living cells by SHAPE-MaP. Methods, 2021, 19647-55
Copyright (C) 2019 YangLab. Licensed GPLv3 for open source use or contact YangLab ( for commercial use.