FinaticFi 2.0 is a blockchain platform that allows public figures to create their customized tokens, which enables them to generate revenue based on their public image/performance/likeness, etc. It also allows ‘Fanatics’ (investors/fans) to pocket profit by trading tokens as its value increases.
Link to the web application click here
This project leverages python 3.7
Streamlit - Deploy application into shareable web app
Solidity - object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts
Remix IDE - allows developing, deploying and administering smart contracts for Ethereum like blockchains. It can also be used as a learning platform
OpenZeppelin - provides seurity products to build, automate, and operate decentralized applications.
Ganache - A personal Ethereum blockchain for test, inspect, and operate blockchain transactions
Metamask - A crypto wallet to interact with blockchain
pip install web3==5.17
pip install eth-tester==0.5.0b3
pip install mnemonic
pip install bip44
Solidity Smart Contracts:
- Celebrity token contracts
- Celebrity crowdsale contracts
Ganache & Metamask setup:
- Save Mnemonic phrases to .env file
- Import accounts to Metamask
- Deploy each contract (celebrity account) using Remix - Metamask link under different account
- Deploy related crowdsale and token contracts with provided addresses
Contract addresses:
- Contract deployer address
- Contract crowdsale address
- Contract token address
Contract abi files:
- Contract deployer abi
- Contract crowdsale abi
- Contract token abi
Streamlit deployemt:
- Designs and deploy app application
- Run application on command line at file directory
streamlit run
Develop functionality for celebrities to generate their own accounts on the webpage (without us having to do it manually)
Develop functionality for celebrities to “cash out” on their raised crowdsale funds
Create a way to invest and trade in each token to reflect the changing supply, demand, and price fluctuations users are willing to pay
- Additionally, would create various funds made up of a mix of user’s favorite celebrity tokens that would allow a user to invest in more than one token at a time
Deploy on a new blockchain rather than Ethereum in order to have better customization, ownership, and price points
Yanjun Lin Andrie | email: |
Jeffrey Liu | email: |
UC Berkeley Extension