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Build Rosetta on Hisilicon ARM aarch64

By Yinying Yao

Distinguish x86 and arm arch in the env file

This step is assuming your HPC provider has both login entrypoints to each arch using just one account.

Inspect processor's arch in .bashrc or .bashrc.pre-oh-my-bash when loging in


# Automatically switch environment file by reading `uname -a`
if [[ "$(uname -a)" =~ "aarch64" ]];
    # we are ready in arm
    source $envfile_arm
    # in x86_64
    source $envfile_x86

Fetch Rosetta, latest weekly release

Fetch the tarred source code and un-tar it

Be aware of x86 compilation

It is recommended to build an x86 version of binaries firstly, then rename the bin dir as bin_x86 or somewhat, so that the rest part of rosetta dir can be shared within both arch.

# Non-MPI in x86
pushd /path-to/rosetta/release-version/source/
./ -j 20  mode=release bin 

# MPI enable in x86
./ -j 20  mode=release bin extras=mpi

# Rename compiled bin dir
mv ./bin ./bin_x86

# Create a new one
mkdir  bin


Pre-building setup

There's a few setup steps to the compiler, Rosetta Scons, external software of Rosetta, required libraries and system variable paths.

OpenMPI is optional but recommended.

Bisheng LLVM Clang Setting

Download Bisheng LLVM Clang prebuilt binary package and install it.

export COMPRESSED=/path-to/compressed/
export ARM_BIN=/path-to/software_arm/bin/

mkdir -P $ARM_BIN/bisheng
pushd $ARM_BIN/bisheng

tar xf /path-to/compressed/bisheng-compiler-2.1.0-aarch64-linux.tar.gz 

cd bisheng-compiler-2.1.0-aarch64-linux

echo "# Bisheng LLVM clang " >>$envfile_arm 
echo export PATH=$PWD/bin:'$PATH' >>$envfile_arm 
echo export CPATH=$PWD/include:'$CPATH' >>$envfile_arm
echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/lib:'$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >>$envfile_arm


(Optional)OpenMPI Setting (clang)

Here we build a copy of OpenMPI via Bisheng Clang

# fetch a copy of OpenMPI src and flatten it followed by building and installation
wget -P /path-to/compressed
cd /path-to/build/
tar xf /path-to/compressed/openmpi-4.1.2.tar.bz2
cd openmpi-4.1.2
nohup bash /path-to-script/ openmpi 4.1.2_w_fortran "--enable-mpi1-compatibility  FC=gfortran FCFLAGS='-fPIC -O0'  F77=gfortran FFLAGS='-fPIC -O0' F90=gfortran CC=clang CFLAGS='-fPIC' CXX=clang++" >~/logs/build_openmpi_w_fortran.log

Add to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. After the building via the script, the PATH will be added to $envfile_arm automatically.

Rosetta SCons System Setting

Setup for Hisilicon aarch64 chips w/ Bisheng Clang

1. Adding self-defined site setting file

# Non-mpi, Bisheng LLVM clang
cd /path-to/rosetta/release-version/main/source
cp /path-to/repo/building_scripts/site.settings.Hisilicon_aarch64 tools/build/site.settings

# or w/ OpenMPI built via Bisheng LLVM clang
cp /path-to/repo/building_scripts/site.settings.Hisilicon_aarch64_mpi tools/build/site.settings

2. Setup processor architecture and Bisheng clang version inspection

Here we add a basic option to let SCons know the new arch. check this file rosetta/source/tools/build/options.settings:33

    "arch" : {
        "x86"     : [ "32", "64", "*" ],
        # XXX: It's not clear if "amd" is a meaningful category
        "amd"     : [ "32", "64", "*" ],
        "ppc"     : [ "32", "64", "*" ],
        "ppc64"     : [ "64" ],
        "arm" : ["64", "*"],
        "aarch64":["64"],  # Added by Yinying for aarch64
        "power4"  : [ "32", "64", "*" ],
        "*"       : [ "*" ],

Setup processor alias so the building scripts will know the arch name.

check this file rosetta/source/tools/build/

    processor_translation = {
        # Results from platform.processor()
        "i386": "x86",
        "i486": "x86",
        "i586": "x86",
        "i686" : "x86",
        "x86_64" : "x86",
        "ppc64" : "ppc64",
        "powerpc" : "ppc",
        "aarch64": "aarch64", # Added by Yinying for aarch64 testing
        # Results from os.uname()['machine']
        # This isn't strictly true.  But we are not currently distinguishing
        # between AMD and Intel processors.
        "athlon" : "x86",
        "Power Macintosh" : "ppc",

	# Some architectures for Gentoo Linux -- should be handled by the processor.machine() fallback
	#"Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7400 @ 2.16GHz" : "x86",
	#'Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz' : "x86",
	#'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz' : "x86",

Next, we setup processor data size


    print(f"fetch actual_size={actual}")
    actual = {
        "32bit" : "32",
        "64bit" : "64",
        "aarch64": "64", # Added by Yinying for aarch64 testing
        # XXX: We are guessing here.  This may prove incorrect
        "i386" : "32",
        "i486" : "32",
        "i586" : "32",
        "i686" : "32",
        # XXX: What do 64 bit Macs show?
        "Power Macintosh" : "32",
    }.get(actual, "<unknown>")

Also, setup Bisheng LLVM clang toolkit for version inspection. See the differences btw Bisheng LLVM clang and x86 clang in clang --version

# x86 clang, installed by `apt install clang-12`
clang-12 --version
Ubuntu clang version 12.0.0-3ubuntu1~20.04.5
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin

# Bisheng LLVM clang aarch64
clang --version
HUAWEI BiSheng Compiler 2.1.0.B010 clang version 12.0.0 (clang-0749c5924208 flang-d6f2a3bc24a5)
Target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /path-to/software_arm/bisheng/bisheng-compiler-2.1.0-aarch64-linux/bin

Thus, the following code aims to tell SCons the correct version info of Clang rosetta/source/tools/build/

        if compiler_output:
            if compiler_output_split[0]=="HUAWEI" and compiler=='clang' \
                    and compiler_output_split[1]=='BiSheng' and compiler_output_split[5]=='version':
                print(f'BiSheng is detected.')
                version = ".".join(full_version.split(".")[0:2])
                return version, full_version
            if full_version == 'version' and compiler == 'clang':
                full_version = compiler_output_split[3]
            version = ".".join(full_version.split(".")[0:2])

Rosetta External Software Modification


comment this line (risky, untested, but helpful to prevent error throwing out during compilation)

//#define VA_LIST_IS_ARRAY 1`.

Build & Run

pushd /path-to/rosetta/release-version/main/source;

# Non-MPI 
./ -j 20  mode=release cxx=clang bin;
# or w/ MPI
./ -j 20  mode=release cxx=clang bin extras=mpi;

Add Rosetta to PATH

cd <rosetta-path>
export ROSETTA=$PWD;
# added aarch64 bin dir to aarch64 env file
echo "export ROSETTA=$ROSETTA" >>$envfile_arm
echo 'export ROSETTA3_DB=$ROSETTA/main/database
export ROSETTA_BIN=$ROSETTA/main/source/bin
export ROSETTA3=$ROSETTA/main/source
export ROSETTA_PYTHON_SCRIPTS=$ROSETTA/main/source/scripts/python/public

export PYTHONPATH=$ROSETTA/main/source/scripts/python/public
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ROSETTA/main/source/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ' >>$envfile_arm 

# added x86 bin dir to x86 env file
echo "export ROSETTA=$ROSETTA" >> $envfile_x86
echo 'export ROSETTA3_DB=$ROSETTA/main/database
export ROSETTA_BIN=$ROSETTA/main/source/bin_x86
export ROSETTA3=$ROSETTA/main/source
export ROSETTA_PYTHON_SCRIPTS=$ROSETTA/main/source/scripts/python/public

export PYTHONPATH=$ROSETTA/main/source/scripts/python/public
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ROSETTA/main/source/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ' >> $envfile_x86

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