I am an aspiring Data Scientist who has gained extensive experience in data analysis and machine learning.
Despite starting my journey in Data Science in June 2023, I have mastered Python and SQL.
Now I successfully apply modern tools for data mining, analysis, and building algorithms across a wide range of machine learning tasks.
- Base skills in relational and non-relational databases (key-value, column-based, document-based)
- Web Scraping & Parsing: Proficient in tools like requests, Beautiful Soup (bs4), REST APIs, and Selenium
- Big Data: Basic experience with Spark and Hadoop ecosystems
- Data Preparation: Cleaning and transforming datasets
- Feature Creation: Generating new features to enhance model quality
- Analysis: Conducting mathematical and statistical analyses to uncover insights and dependences
- Tools:
- matplotlib, seaborn, plotly
- numpy, pandas
- scipy, statsmodels
- Algorithm Development: Skilled in building models ranging from simple algorithms to ensemble models:
- Linear/Logistic Regression, DecisionTree
- Bagging, Boosting, Stacking
- Clustering
- Time Series
- Recommendation System
- Neural Network
- Frameworks and libraries:
- scikit-sklearn
- catboost, xgboost
- arima/garch, prophet
- nltk, gensim
- lightfm
- lightAutoML
- tensorflow
- Optimization: Expertise in algorithm optimization with hyperparameter tuning tools like Hyperopt and Optuna.
- Metrics Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of machine learning evaluation metrics and business KPIs to validate model performance.
- Production Integration: Experience in deploying machine learning models using:
- streamlit
- flask
- docker compose
- rabbitMQ
- 1. Прогноз акции компании c помощью ARIMA, XGBoost, NeuralProphet
- 2. Анализ результатов А/В-тестирования двух вариантов посадочной страницы
- 3. Сегментация клиентов онлайн-магазина подарков
- 4. Предсказание длительности поездки в такси
- 5. Классификация клиентов банка для возможного открытия депозитного счета
- 6. Проверка достоверности рейтинга отеля
- 7. Captcha _prediction
- 8. Prediction_of_movie's genre
- 9. Прогнозирование бизнес-драйверов (первое участие в хакатоне)
- ✏️Telegram
- ✏️E-mail: 8177916@gmail.com