Downloads all assemblies available on MGnify. Based on the original script by to download data from MGnify databse using its API
pip install jsonapi-client
first run to get a list of accession numbers of studies with assemblies from MGnify. by default, these accession numbers are written to "analyses_and_assembly.txt" run the second script with the output of the first script. usage of the second script is available below.
python -i analyses_and_assembly.txt -d list_of_integers
option -d of the second script accepts a list of integers. each integer specifies what exactly you want to download from MGnify for the corresponding accession id. for example if you want to download both contigs and predicted ORFS
python -i analyses_and_assembly.txt -o path/to/out/dir -d 1 3
usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-d DOWNLOAD [DOWNLOAD ...]]
MGnify assembly downloader v.1.0
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
a txt file with list of analyses ids
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
path to output directory
1: Processed contigs
2: Predicted CDS (aa)
3: Predicted ORF (nt)
4: Diamond annotation
5: Complete GO annotation
6: GO slim annotation
7: InterPro matches
8: KEGG orthologues annotation
9: Pfam annotation
10: Contigs encoding SSU rRNA
11: MAPseq SSU assignments
12: OTUs, counts and taxonomic assignments for SSU rRNA
13: Contigs encoding LSU rRNA
14: MAPseq LSU assignments
15: OTUs, counts and taxonomic assignments for LSU rRNA
17: antiSMASH annotation
18: antiSMASH annotation19: Genome Properties annotation
20: KEGG pathway annotation