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Project making Camel Path Finding Program

A* Algorithm


How to use program

0. If you succeed in running the program, this screen will be displayed.


There is 6 buttons and 7 commands.

Each button functions as follows.

  • Coord Button: 클릭한 Grid의 좌표를 terminal log에 띄운다.
  • Wall Button: 회색 벽을 만든다. 벽은 경로 생성 시 피하는 영역이 된다.
  • Start Button: 시작 지점을 선택한다. 선택은 하나만 할 수 있으며 초록색으로 표시된다.
  • Goal Button: 도착 지점을 선택한다. 선택은 하나만 할 수 있으며 빨간색으로 표시된다.
  • AStar Button: 시작점에서 도착점까지의 최단 경로를 생성한다.
  • 최종 경로는 yellow로, open list는 dodge blue, close list는 lawn green으로 표시된다.
  • Reset Button: 모든 선택 영역을 초기화 시킨다.

Each command functions as follows.

{fileName} is a real file name which you really target to use.
(Except for the extension)

  • save + {fileName} : save custom grid map to npy file --- directory : GridMap
  • load + {fileName} : load your npy file into grip map --- directory : GridMap
  • set + {fileName} : set background image and coordinates --- directory : Images, VertexCoordinates
  • ac + {fileName} : save astar path coordinates as file --- directory: AstarCoordinates
  • show + {fileName} : show coordinates of path to grid --- directory : CoordinatesPath
  • help : show details of commands
  • clear : clean up the terminal log

1. And then follow this desription.

[step 1] Set background picture with typing 'setbg + {fileName}' on the console.

** 'fileName' mentioned here is the name of the png picture. ** And it should be stored in the Images folder.
If you want to know the coordinate values for each grid, create a txt file with the same name as the picture. And store it in the Coordinates folder.


[step 2] Make numpy file with buttons and "save" it so that you can use it through "load" next time.

Using wall, start, goal buttons, make your own numpy file which has grid map information.
If you finish, type 'save + {fileName}' on the console.
The file will be saved as {fileName}.npy.
Next time, you don't have to make your own numpy file using buttons, you just need to load it.
If you're sure you have the file, just type "load + {fileName}" on the console.


[step 3] Press astar button and see what program can do.


2. Actual use case: Finding the shortest route from building 207 to building 201.

ezgif com-gif-maker

You can now save the coordinates of the path obtained by Astar pathfinding.

You can use the ac command.

If you do ac + {fileName},
the csv and xlsx files are stored in the AstarCoordinates folder.

(x coordinates, y coordinates)-pair txt can be visualized on the program.

You can use the show command.

If you do show + {fileName},
the coordinates of the txt file in the CoordinatesPath folder are visualized on the program.


Making Python Pathfinding Program Version 2







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Contributors 3

