Cloud infrastructure home project
Task 1
To build docker image ('train-model' - image name, 'v1' - tag, 'zpozdniakov' - docker login name):
docker build -t zpozdniakov/train-model:v1 .
To run docker container (with open 5000 port):
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -t zpozdniakov/train-model:v1
or (to create volume as well)
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -t -v /Users/yevhenp/Google\ Drive/UCU/cloud-infrasctructure/cloud-infra/web/:/app zpozdniakov/train-model:v1
To test that service is ready:
curl http://localhost:5000/livetest\
http://localhost:5000/livetest in browser window
To start model training:
curl http://localhost:5000/train/<int: epochs>
http://localhost:5000/train/<int: epochs> in browser window
where 'epochs' - number of epochs to train. On my laptop(without GPU) one epoch is running more than 1 minute.
Service will return accuracy of the trained model.
Task 2
- replicaset.yaml
- service.yaml
Task 3
make sure that docker image is in dockerhub:
docker push zpozdniakov/train-model
To start minikube (on OS X):
minikube start --vm-driver hyperkit
To check status:
minikube status
To start app using yaml file from Task 2:
To start app without yaml file:
./ zpozdniakov/model-train:v1
Task 4
- add 'livenessProbe' and 'readinessProbe' to file 'replicaset.yaml'
Task 5\
./ zpozdniakov/train-model:local
where 'zpozdniakov/train-model:local' - name of docker image that will be created using use Minikube Docker daemon
Task 6\
To start metric-server:
kubectl apply -f metrics-server/deploy/1.8+
To enable metrics-server in minikube:
minikube addons enable metrics-server\
To start autoscalers:
CPU autoscaler:
kubectl create -f cpu_hpa.yaml
Memory autoscaler:
kubectl create -f memory_hpa.yaml\
To imitate CPU consumption:
http://localhost:5000/train/<int: epochs> in browser window
To imitate memory consumption:
http://localhost:5000/eat_memory/<int: num_Mb> in browser window
where num_Mb - number of allocated Mbs.