A CLI to view your shell history stats, with support for zsh, bash, fish, and atuin.

- Use Cargo
cargo install cmd-wrapped
- Download from Release
Unzip, chmod and run the binary file in the terminal.
- Archlinux
yay -S cmd-wrapped
- Nix❄️
nix run nixpkgs#cmd-wrapped
# fetch current stats
# fetch annual shell history stats for a specific year
cmd-wrapped 2024
# specify the target shell
cmd-wrapped -s <shell>
Supported options for <shell>
: zsh
, bash
, fish
, atuin
In some cases, cmd-wrapped may fail to output correct data (such as all outputs being 0). This is because it relies on the timestamp track for each command, which sometimes requires configuring specific options extraly:
- For Zsh - EXTENDED_HISTORY (oh-my-zsh has it enabled by default)
Commands executed before configuring the option won't be recorded with a timestamp and this will affect cmd-wrapped’s stats.