For detailed info about the software, refer to Leonardo Aniello, Roberto Baldoni, Leonardo Querzoni, "Adaptive Online Scheduling in Storm", 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2013)
This software is released under the Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 (see LICENSE file).
The directory src includes all the java sources required for the compilation.
Libraries required for the compilation:
- Storm 0.8.1 libraries
- Commons DBCP 1.4
- Commons Pool 1.5.6
- Copy the jar resulting from the compiltion and the jars of Commons DBCP 1.4 and Commons Pool 1.5.6 into the lib directory of storm installation.
- Update storm.yaml for nimbus service in order to use one of these schedulers.
- For the offline scheduler, add the following line storm.scheduler: "midlab.storm.scheduler.OfflineScheduler"
- For the online scheduler, add the following line storm.scheduler: "midlab.storm.scheduler.OnlineScheduler"