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Francisco Dias edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

User Info

Epic Online Services Interface: User Info Interface

Each Epic Online Services (EOS) user account has a unique identifier that the service uses internally to refer to the account. The User Info Interface bridges the gap between the user's account IDentifier and information about the user, such as display name, country and preferred language, and so on. You can retrieve this information for both remote users and logged-in, local users.


These functions are provided for handling user info:


These are the structures used by this API:


These are the constants used by this API:

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByAccountId

This function fetches an external user info for a given external account ID.


Requires a previous call to EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount to store values in cache.


EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByAccountId(accountID, accountID_target, accountID_external)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
accountID_target String The Epic Account ID of the player whose information is being retrieved
accountID_external String The external account ID associated with the (external) user info to retrieve from the cache; cannot be null




var _struct = EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByAccountId(accountID, accountID_target, accountID_external);

if (_struct.status == EpicGames_Success)
     DisplayName = _struct.DisplayName;

The above code shows an example of how the function should be used. The external user info data is returned given the provided accountID.

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByAccountType

This function fetches an external user info for a given external account type.


Requires a previous call to EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount to store values in cache.


EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByAccountType(accountID, accountID_target, accountType)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
accountID_target String The Epic Account ID of the player whose information is being retrieved
accountType EpicGames_ExternalAccountType Account type of the external user info to retrieve from the cache




var _struct = EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByAccountType(accountID, accountID_target, accountType);

if (_struct.status == EpicGames_Success)
     DisplayName = _struct.DisplayName;

The above code shows an example of how the function should be used. The external user info data is returned given the provided account type.

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByIndex

This function fetches an external user info from a given index.


Requires a previous call to EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount to store values in cache.


EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByIndex(accountID, accountID_target, index)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
accountID_target String The Epic Account ID of the player whose information is being retrieved
index Real Index of the external user info to retrieve from the cache




var _count = EpicGames_UserInfo_GetExternalUserInfoCount(accountID, accountID_target);
for(var i = 0 ; i < _count ; i ++)
    var _struct = EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByIndex(i);
    DisplayName = _struct.DisplayName;

The above code shows an example of how the function should be used. The external user info data is returned given the provided index (from a cached array).

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_CopyUserInfo

This function is used to immediately retrieve a copy of user information based on an Epic Account ID, cached by a previous call to EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfo.


EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyUserInfo(accountID, accountID_target)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
accountID_target String The Epic Account ID of the player whose information is being retrieved




var _struct = EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyUserInfo(accountID, accountID_target);
if (_struct.status == EpicGames_Success)
     nickname = _struct.Nickname;

The above code shows an example of how the function should be used. The user info data is returned given the provided account ID.

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_GetExternalUserInfoCount

This function fetches the number of external user information that are cached locally.


Requires a previous call to EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount to store values in cache.


EpicGames_UserInfo_GetExternalUserInfoCount(accountID, accountID_target)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
accountID_target String The Epic Account ID of the player whose information is being retrieved




var _count = EpicGames_UserInfo_GetExternalUserInfoCount(accountID, accountID_target);
for(var i = 0 ; i < _count ; i ++)
    var _struct = EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByIndex(i);
    DisplayName = _struct.DisplayName;

The above code shows an example of how the function should be used. After a successful call to EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount, the function EpicGames_UserInfo_GetExternalUserInfoCount will return the number of entries in the query array which can then be accessed using the EpicGames_UserInfo_CopyExternalUserInfoByIndex function.

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_QueryUserInfo

This function is used to start an asynchronous query to retrieve information, such as display name, about another account. Once the callback has been fired with a successful EpicGames_Result, it is possible to call the function:


to receive an UserInfo containing the available information.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.


EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfo(accountID, accountID_target)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
accountID_target String The Epic Account ID of the player whose information is being retrieved




Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfo"
status EpicGames_Result The status code for the operation. EpicGames_Success indicates that the operation succeeded; other codes indicate errors
status_message String Text representation of the status code
identifier Real The asynchronous listener ID.


identifier = EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfo();

The code sample above saves the identifier that can be used inside a Social Async Event.

if (async_load[? "type"] == "EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfo")
if (async_load[? "identifier"] == identifier)
    if (async_load[? "status"] == EpicGames_Success)
        show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " succeeded!");
        show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " failed: " + async_load[? "status_message"]);

The code above matches the response against the correct event type and logs the success of the task.

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByDisplayName

This function is used to start an asynchronous query to retrieve user information by display name. This can be useful for getting the AccountId for a display name. Once the callback has been fired with a successful EpicGames_Result, it is possible to call the function:

to receive a UserInfo containing the available information.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.


EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByDisplayName(accountID, DisplayName)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
DisplayName String Display name of the player being queried




Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByDisplayName"
status EpicGames_Result The status code for the operation. EpicGames_Success indicates that the operation succeeded; other codes indicate errors
status_message String Text representation of the status code
identifier Real The asynchronous listener ID.


identifier = EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByDisplayName();

The code sample above saves the identifier that can be used inside a Social Async Event.

if (async_load[? "type"] == "EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByDisplayName")
if (async_load[? "identifier"] == identifier)
    if (async_load[? "status"] == EpicGames_Success)
        show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " succeeded!");
        show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " failed: " + async_load[? "status_message"]);

The code above matches the response against the correct event type and logs the success of the task.

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Epic Online Services Function: EOS_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount

This function is used to start an asynchronous query to retrieve user information by external accounts. This can be useful for getting the AccountId for external accounts. Once the callback has been fired with a successful EpicGames_Result, it is possible to call one of the following functions:

to receive a ExternalUserInfo containing the available information.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.


EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount(accountID, ExternalAccountId, accountType)
Argument Type Description
accountID String The Epic Account ID of the local player requesting the information
ExternalAccountId String External account ID of the user whose information is being retrieved
accountType EpicGames_ExternalAccountType Account type of the external user info to query




Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount"
status EpicGames_Result The status code for the operation. EpicGames_Success indicates that the operation succeeded; other codes indicate errors
status_message String Text representation of the status code
identifier Real The asynchronous listener ID.


identifier = EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount();

The code sample above saves the identifier that can be used inside a Social Async Event.

if (async_load[? "type"] == "EpicGames_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoByExternalAccount")
if (async_load[? "identifier"] == identifier)
    if (async_load[? "status"] == EpicGames_Success)
        show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " succeeded!");
         show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " failed: " + async_load[? "status_message"]);

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Epic Online Services Enum: EOS_EExternalAccountType

These constants are used to describe the type of an external account or connection.

These constants are also part of the ExternalAccountInfo struct.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

These constants are referenced by the following structs:

Member Description
EpicGames_EAT_EPIC External account is associated with Epic Games
EpicGames_EAT_STEAM External account is associated with Steam
EpicGames_EAT_PSN External account is associated with PlayStation(TM)Network
EpicGames_EAT_XBL External account is associated with Xbox Live
EpicGames_EAT_DISCORD External account is associated with Discord
EpicGames_EAT_GOG External account is associated with GOG
EpicGames_EAT_NINTENDO External account is associated with Nintendo With both EOS Connect and EOS UserInfo APIs, the associated account type is Nintendo Service Account ID. Local user authentication is possible using Nintendo Account ID, while the account type does not get exposed to the SDK in queries related to linked accounts information.
EpicGames_EAT_UPLAY External account is associated with Uplay
EpicGames_EAT_OPENID External account is associated with an OpenID Provider
EpicGames_EAT_APPLE External account is associated with Apple
EpicGames_EAT_GOOGLE External account is associated with Google
EpicGames_EAT_OCULUS External account is associated with Oculus
EpicGames_EAT_ITCHIO External account is associated with
EpicGames_EAT_AMAZON External account is associated with Amazon

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The external user info is represented by a struct and contains information about a single external user info.

This struct is referenced by the following functions:

Member Type Description
status EpicGames_Result The status code for the operation. EpicGames_Success indicates that the operation succeeded; other codes indicate errors
status_message String Text representation of the status code
DisplayName String The display name of the external account. Can be null.
AccountId String The ID of the external account. Can be null.
AccountType EpicGames_ExternalAccountType The type of the external account.

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The user info is represented by a struct and contains information about a single user info.

This struct is referenced by the following functions:

Member Type Description
status EpicGames_Result The status code for the operation. EpicGames_Success indicates that the operation succeeded; other codes indicate errors
status_message String Text representation of the status code.
DisplayName String The display name. This may be null.
Country String The name of the owner's country. This may be null.
Nickname String A nickname/alias for the target user assigned by the local user. This may be null.
PreferredLanguage String The ISO 639 language code for the user's preferred language. This may be null.
AccountID String The Epic Account ID of the user