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Francisco Dias edited this page Dec 18, 2024 · 3 revisions



This module offers a collection of functions designed to address specific tasks and provide utilities for various purposes. Explore the available functions to make the most of the functionalities provided by this module.

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modio_media_game_add Endpoint: Add Game Media

This function uploads new media to a game. A successful request will return a Message struct.


You can also add media to your games profile on the website. This is the recommended approach.


modio_media_game_add(_optionals, _callback_success, _callback_failed, _game_id)
Argument Type Description
_optionals Struct - logo (String) Image file which will represent your game's logo. Must be gif, jpg or png format and cannot exceed 8MB in filesize. Dimensions must be at least 640x360 and we recommended you supply a high resolution image with a 16 / 9 ratio. will use this logo to create three thumbnails with the dimensions of 320x180, 640x360 and 1280x720.
- icon (String) Image file which will represent your games icon. Must be gif, jpg or png format and cannot exceed 1MB in filesize. Dimensions must be at least 64x64 and a transparent png that works on a colorful background is recommended. will use this icon to create three thumbnails with the dimensions of 64x64, 128x128 and 256x256.
- header (String) Image file which will represent your games header. Must be gif, jpg or png format and cannot exceed 256KB in filesize. Dimensions of 400x100 and a light transparent png that works on a dark background is recommended.
_callback_success Function or Method The function to trigger when the request is successful.
_callback_failed Function or Method The function to trigger when the request failed.
_game_id Real OPTIONAL The ID of the game, defaults to the value set in the Game ID extension option if not provided



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modio_media_mod_add Endpoint: Add Mod Media

This function adds any images posted to the mods gallery regardless of their body name providing they are a valid image. A successful request will return a Message struct.


You can also add media to your mods profile on the website. This is the easiest way.


modio_media_mod_add(_mod_id, _optionals_files, _optionals_strings, _callback_success, _callback_failed, _game_id)
Argument Type Description
_mod_id Real Unique id of the mod.
_optionals_files Struct - logo (String) Image file which will represent your game's logo. Must be gif, jpg or png format and cannot exceed 8MB in filesize. Dimensions must be at least 640x360 and we recommended you supply a high resolution image with a 16 / 9 ratio. will use this logo to create three thumbnails with the dimensions of 320x180, 640x360 and 1280x720.
- images (String) Zip archive of images to add to the mods gallery. Only valid gif, jpg and png images in the zip file will be processed. The filename must be, all other zips will be ignored. Alternatively you can POST one or more images to this endpoint and they will be detected and added to the mods gallery.
_optionals_strings Struct - youtube (String) Full Youtube link(s) you want to add. Every Youtube link to add requires a separate field with youtube[] as the key (eg. youtube[]=, youtube[]=
- sketchfab (String) Full Sketchfab link(s) you want to add. Every Sketchfab link to add requires a separate field with sketchfab[] as the key (eg. sketchfab[]=, sketchfab[]=
_callback_success Function or Method The function to trigger when the request is successful.
_callback_failed Function or Method The function to trigger when the request failed.
_game_id Real OPTIONAL The ID of the game, defaults to the value set in the Game ID extension option if not provided



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modio_media_mod_delete Endpoint: Delete Mod Media

Delete images, sketchfab or youtube links from a mod profile.


You can also delete media from your mods profile on the website. This is the easiest way.


modio_media_mod_delete(_mod_id, _optionals, _callback_success, _callback_failed, _game_id)
Argument Type Description
_mod_id Real Unique id of the mod.
_optionals Struct - youtube (String) Full Youtube link(s) you want to add. Every Youtube link to add requires a separate field with youtube[] as the key (eg. youtube[]=, youtube[]=
- sketchfab (String) Full Sketchfab link(s) you want to add. Every Sketchfab link to add requires a separate field with sketchfab[] as the key (eg. sketchfab[]=, sketchfab[]=
_callback_success Function or Method The function to trigger when the request is successful.
_callback_failed Function or Method The function to trigger when the request failed.
_game_id Real OPTIONAL The ID of the game, defaults to the value set in the Game ID extension option if not provided



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modio_media_mod_reorder Endpoint: Reorder Mod Media

Reorder images, Sketchfab or YouTube links from a mod profile.


You can only reorder existing media, any differences in the media arrays will result in a failed request.


modio_media_mod_reorder(_mod_id, _optionals, _callback_success, _callback_failed, _game_id)
Argument Type Description
_mod_id Real Unique id of the mod.
_optionals Struct - images (String) Filename of the image(s) you want to reorder. Every image to delete requires a separate field with images[] as the key (eg. images[]=filename1.jpg, images[]=filename2.jpg)
- youtube (String) Full Youtube link(s) you want to reorder. Every Youtube link to delete requires a separate field with youtube[] as the key (eg. youtube[]=, youtube[]=
- sketchfab (String) Full Sketchfab link(s) you want to reorder. Every Sketchfab link to delete requires a separate field with sketchfab[] as the key (eg. sketchfab[]=, sketchfab[]=
_callback_success Function or Method The function to trigger when the request is successful.
_callback_failed Function or Method The function to trigger when the request failed.
_game_id Real OPTIONAL The ID of the game, defaults to the value set in the Game ID extension option if not provided
