This repository contains work I did at the University of Pittsburgh during the Spring of 2019 in the class CHEM 1830, Synthetic Biology, taught by Dr. William Childers in the Department of Chemistry.
📜 iGEM Presentation/ECUST-iGEM-2018-Review.pptx
Review of East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) project for the 2018 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition.
📜 Research/Microfiber-Project-Proposal.pdf
Initial proposal for semester-long research project related to Synthetic Biology that will be looking at using engineered organisms to solve the synthetic microfiber issue.
📜 Research/Microfiber-Project-Development.pdf
Project development/progress since beginning with more specific primary literature and usage of iGEM recognized parts to ultimately help me reach my goal to eliminate microfibers in public water.
📜 Lecture/Synthetic-Biology-Lecture.pptx
Lecture that I gave related to Synthetic Biology research from Dr. Pamela Silver's lab at Harvard Medical School. The research is titled, A Synthetic System That Senses Candida albicans and Inhibits Virulence Factors. The paper is available here. Notes for the lecture are provided in the "Speaker Notes" section of the document.
📜 Lecture/Synthetic-Biology-Lecture-Slides.pdf
PDF Slides from Synthetic Biology Lecture mentioned above.
Contact Information
Yogindra Raghav (YogiOnBioinformatics)