Generate DDL/DML for MySQL from GoogleSpreadSheet
perl [options]
options: -h|--help : print usage and exit
-v|--verbose : print message verbosely
--gss-title : GoogleSpreadSheet Title
--user : google account user with --gss-key option
--password : google account password with --gss-key option
--ddl-only : output ddl only
--dml-only : output dml only
--table : filtering table name (default: all)
--drop-table : drop table if exists table_name
--dml-transaction : add START TRANSACTION; ... COMMIT;
[Sample GoogleSpreadSheet, sorry, japanese only]
perl \
--gss-title=hogehoge \
--user=<your google acount username> \
--password=<your google account password>
Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Yoshiyuki Nakahara