I'm a Front End DeV & Data Science Enthusiast.
With a Master’s degree in Physics, specializing in the physics of materials, and currently pursuing software engineering at 1337, I am immersed in a dynamic and rigorous curriculum that emphasizes practical learning, problem-solving. I also blend strong analytical thinking with engineering principles to lead projects and solve complex problems. I’m always excited to connect with like-minded professionals to share knowledge and explore new opportunities in software engineering and beyond.
Since November 2023, I have tackled a wide array of projects, honing my skills in various domains. Driven by discipline, a continuous learning mindset, and a passion for problem-solving, I am eager to take on new challenges and further expand my skill set. Collaboration and communication are at the core of my work, and I thrive in team environments where I can contribute and grow alongside others.
- 1337 Morocco Student
• November 2023 - Present
• Actively engaged in a rigorous curriculum focused on practical learning and problem-solving.
• Completed a diverse range of projects covering various domains, including:
- Libft: C - A C Library that contains essential functions ...
- get_next_line: C - Static variables
- ft_printf: C - Variadic functions
- born2beroot: Sysadmin
- minitalk: C - Signals
- so_long: C - 2D Game
- push_swap: C - Sorting algorithms and complexity
- Philosophers: C - Threads and Processes
- minishell: C - Making a mini Bash (Processes and file descriptors ...)
- cub3D: C - Fake 3D game using raycasting
- NetPractice: C - Networking, OSI Model ...
- CPP-Modules: C++ - Oriented Object Programming
Simple :
- Background Color Changer (FreeCodeCamp Course) : Simple HTML, CSS & Js code to change background color of the page.
- Rock-Paper-Scissor (FreeCodeCamp Course) : This is a very simple project showcases a classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game, developed using JavaScript, that allows players to engage in a dynamic, browser-based experience. The game incorporates key JavaScript techniques, including DOM manipulation, event handling, and simple logic-based gameplay mechanics, making it both a fun activity for users and an excellent example of practical web development skills.
- Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App (FreeCodeCamp Course) : Simple code to learn HTML & CSS.
- Programming Languages: C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Concepts: Networking, Sysadmin, Game Development, Data Structures, Sorting Algorithms ...
- Soft Skills: Discipline, Continuous Learning, Problem-solving, Teamwork, Communication .... Annnnnnnnd ofc some Humour 🙂
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Web Developement.
- 📫 How to reach me Email