A simple inventory management system built with Django. Users can add stock item and generate bills. All data is stored in database and are rendered in real time
To run project, run the following commands in the project's directory to create the database. When running the software for the first time, it is necessary to run each command for each app in the project
Create a ENV
python -m venv .env
python manage.py makemigrations homepage
python manage.py migrate homepage
python manage.py makemigrations inventory
python manage.py migrate inventory
python manage.py makemigrations transactions
python manage.py migrate transactions
After the first time, the following can be run to migrate model changes in any app
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Use the following command to run the server
python manage.py runserver
Use the following command to create an admin user
python manage.py createsuperuser
To run Dockerfile use below commands
Build an image for the application
docker build -t invflow .
Run the image on loacl host
docker run -p 8000:8000 invflow