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Authors : Yoann Changanaqui, Camille Theubet

Welcome ! This is todo-manager's repository, a simple command line application to create and manage simple todo lists. Using todo-manager, you can write and read simple tasks with todo-manager, with different status each.

Each user has it's personnal file so that everyone can have it's own todo list.

This is only usable on a linux terminal. If you use Windows or MacOS devices, you can still use paper.

Don't know where to start ? See section Getting Started

Curious about how it works ? See section How it works

Don't know how to use ? See section How to use

To see a list of available commands, see section Commands

Getting Started

These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on deploying the project on a live system.


You need to have a compatible version of java. If you don't know how to install java, see this very well written document.


Clone the repository with

git clone

Go into the cloned repository

cd todo-manager

Build the .jar file using the maven wrapper.

./mvnw dependency:go-offline clean compile package

You can now run the application using the created .jar file

java -jar target/todo-manager-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --version

Output should be


From now on, each time you see the words "todo-manager", either in this file, or in the the help provided by the application, replace this with :

java -jar target/todo-manager-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 

If you want a first file to start playing with, you can use exampleFile.tdm. Try this command to see the tasks in this list.

java -jar target/todo-manager-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar show example

To see a complete example use, see file at the root of the project.

How it works

todo-manager interacts with ".tdm" files. It will look for .tdm files in a "todoManagerFiles" folder (if it doesn't exist, it will be created by the newList command, or you can create it manually).

The .tdm files are interpreted by todo-manager as "lists" of tasks. The lists follow a certain format (see

Format description

A task starts with character '[', and ends with character ']'. It has a name and a description (additionnal text). A name should never be empty. The app will add a default name if no name is provided. A description starts with character '{' and ends with character '}'. After the name and the description is the status. Status can either be "En attente", "En cours", or "Terminé".

Down here is a example of a tdm file

[<untilted>{}] [Status: En cours]
[Vaisselle{Faire la vaisselle}] [Status: En cours]
[Faire mes devoirs{}] [Status: En cours]
[<untilted>{Pas d'idée de titre, mais ne pas rien faire}] [Status: En attente]
[name{}] [Status: En cours]
[name{}] [Status: Terminé]

Tasks will be considered sorted in the order they come in the file.

How to use

This section is for users that simply want to use the application without knowing how it works.

todo-manager allow user to create tasks in .tdm files. For almost every command (except command "showLists"), you will need to write something like :

todo-manager [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] <listname>

with [COMMAND] being the command you want to use , and <listname> being the file you want to write in. For the list of commands available, see the following section Commands.

A .tdm file can be created manually with the "touch" command, or can be created with command

todo-manager newList <listname>

The file, listname


The following section explicits how to use every command todo-manager offers. During you use of todo-manager, if you have any doubt, run the command + optional argument -h, to get indications on how to use the command. Like :

todo-manager [COMMAND] -h 


Used to create a new list. If folder "todoManagerFiles" does not exist yet, it will be created as well

todo-manager newList <listname>

Will create a file "listname.tdm" in folder "todoManagerFiles"


This command will show the locally created lists. This command has to be run without any argument.

Use with :

todo-manager showLists

The output will show you every list that you have previously created.


Create a task in a created list.

todo-manager create <listname>

Required arguments :

  • listname : the name of the list (without the .tdm extension)

Options arguments :

  • -t : title of the task
  • -d : description of the task
  • -s : status of the task. Either "PENDING", "IN_PROGRESS", or "DONE"
  • -h : see the help message of the command


The command lists every task in a given list

todo-manager show <listname>

Required arguments :

  • listname : the name of the list to see the tasks from (without the .tdm extension)

Optional arguments :

  • -s : write one status ("PENDING", "IN_PROGRESS", or "DONE") to see only the tasks with this status.
  • -h : see the help message of the command
  • -V : see the version


Delete a task from a list using the id of the task. Id's are not permanent to tasks. Make sure to always run a "show" command of the file the see which task has what id at the moment.

todo-manager delete <listname> -id idOfTaskToDelete

Required arguments :

  • listname : the name of the list to see the tasks from (without the .tdm extension)
  • -id : id of the task to delete.

Optional arguments :

  • -h : see the help message
  • -V : version


Update an already existing task in a given file.

todo-manager update <listname> -id idOfTaskToUpdate

Required arguments :

  • listname : the name of the list to see the tasks from (without the .tdm extension)
  • -id : id of the task to update.

Optional arguments :

  • -t : new title you want the task to have
  • -d : new description you want the task to have
  • -s : new status you want the task to have


Add a subtask to an existing task

todo-manager subtask <listname> -id parentTaskId -t  subTaskName

Required arguments :

  • -listname : the name of the list to see the tasks from (without the .tdm extension)
  • -id : id of the task to update.
  • -t : new title you want the task to have

Optional arguments :

  • None



This project is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal Creative Commons License - see the file for details


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published
