Access the live version at This is based on Prob 140 website with the Permission from Prof. Ani Adhikari.
Based on Hyde (a Jekyll Theme)
- Changing Data
- Building and Pushing
- Development
The system is designed to make it as easy as possible to update the syllabus/ other content
All information is stored inside the _data folder (everything else is a template, and not worth tampering with)
If you're trying to clone this website for another class (or if attempting to make modifications to course details - instructors, TAs, and tutor names), then modify _data/courseInfo.yml
If you're attempting to change the syllabus, everything is contained in the _data/syllabus/ folder. The operations that you can do are
Adding a new week's worth of content by creating a new yml file in the _data/syllabus/ folder (simply copy an existing week.yml file, and modify as required)
Adding lectures within a week, or updating links inside the course; simply change the required thing in the file
Make sure you have Ruby installed (and gem as a result)
Install the required plugins
gem install jekyll jekyll-paginate
run your own server
jekyll serve
Export to HTML
jekyll build
The Prob 140 website is sourced from Hyde, and is built on top of Jekyll. We attempt to minimize the number of modules used, and most of the customization to the site comes from the data files. Have fun playing around.
Open sourced under the MIT license.