Alpha-XIC is a deep neural network to score the coelution of peak groups which improves the identification of DIA data by DIA-NN.
Compile the modified DIA-NN:
cd 'Alpha-XIC/diann_1.7.16_plus_alpha/mstoolkit' make
Make a workspace folder containing:
- diann-alpha-xic.exe compiled by step 1
- *.mzML,
- lib.tsv (the spectral library)
cd workspace ./diann-alpha-xic.exe --f *.mzML --lib lib.tsv --out diann_out.tsv --threads 4 --qvalue 0.01
Meanwhile, the modified DIA-NN will generate the scores file in workspace.
Run Alpha-xic:
cd 'Alpha-XIC' project python main_alpha workspace_dir