Welcome to the Cash Register Android Application repository. 🎊💼
- Objective 🎯
- Assignment Description 📝
- Buy Product 🛍️
- Manage Activity 📊
- Purchase History 📜
- Product Restock 🔄
- Project Template Code📦
This project aims to develop a Cash register Android application that performs basic operations such as buying products and stock management. I have extensively used relative layout, list view, array adapter, and intent for completing this application.
Your first activity of the cash register application UI must be similar to the activity given in Figure 1. Features/ UI:
- header of the activity.
- product list view. For each product you have to show three pieces of information such as product name, current stock quantity, and unit price.
- another header.
- the textbox where the user gives input.
- When the user selects a product from the list view and enters the number of products to buy, you have to update these three text views accordingly.
- "Manage" button shows another activity for history and restock.
- "Buy" button performs the operation related to purchase.
When the user clicks on the "Manage" button in the main activity, your app will show this manage activity. Features/ UI:
- button for showing the purchase history.
- button for restocking the product.
- button for going back to the previous activity.
This activity is for showing the purchase history. Features/ UI:
- header text.
- list view to show the purchased product list.
- button that is for going back to the previous activity.
This activity handles the product restocking. Features/ UI:
- header text.
- list view to show the current stock.
- another header text.
- User input for the new stock value.
- Button for updating stock.
- button that is for going back to the previous activity.
This project is divided into two parts. In part 1, I have implemented the first activity where the user can purchase a product, and that code will be provided to you for further implementation. In part 2, I am implementing the Manage, History, and Restock Activity. The Demonstration for the application has been uploaded to YouTube Here.