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A simple 3d tank shooting game demo based on Unreal4 Game Engine.

Table of Contents


This is a very simple 3d tank shooting game demo made by Unreal4 Game Engine(C++ codes and Blueprints).

In this demo, player can use wasd keys to control the toon tank(w/s keys to move forward or backward, a/d keys to rotate left or right) and left mouse key to shoot projectiles. In order to win the game, player needs to control the tank to destory all 4 turrets. If the player tank is destroyed by turrets' projectiles then the game is over and player loses.



I use Unreal4.26.2 and Visual Studio code for this project under Windows 10 environment.
Unreal download
Visual Studio 2019 download
Visual Code download


  1. Download this repo, open(or zip and open) the Unreal4_Toon-Tank-Demo folder.

  2. Double click the ToonTanks.uproject file.

  3. Let the Unreal Game Engine rebuild the demo.



The whole project in Unreal contains 2 main folders, Content folder and C++ Classes folder.

Under Content folder, there are altogether 3 subfolders:

  1. Assets folder: contains 5 subfolders including all assets we need for this game demo.

    1.1. Audio folder: contains 2 sound wave audio files.

    1.2. Effects folder: contains 3 particle system effects.

    1.3. Materials folder: contains altogether 15 materials, material instances and material functions.

    1.4. Meshes folder: contains 6 static meshes.

    1.5. Textures folder: contains 3 textures.

  2. Blueprints folder: contains 6 subfolders including all Blueprint classes and widget Blueprint we need for this game demo.

    2.1. Actor folder: contains 1 Blueprint class indicates the projectile.

    2.2. Camera folder: contains 2 Blueprint classes indicates camera shake effects when hit or explode.

    2.3. GameModes folder: contains 1 Blueprint class indicates our custom GameMode class.

    2.4. Pawns folder: contains 2 Blueprint classes indicates our tank and turret classes.

    2.5. PlayerControllers folder: contains 1 Blueprint class indicates our custom PlayerController class.

    2.6. Widgets folder: contains 2 widget Blueprint indicate GameStart() and GameOver() functions.

  3. Maps folder: contains 1 level object indicates our main game map.

Under C++ Classes folder, there is 1 subfolder:

  1. ToonTanks folder: contains 5 subfolders of C++ classes we need for this game demo.

    1.1. Actor folder: contains 1 ProjectileBase class indicates the projectile class.

    1.2. Components folder: contains 1 HealthComponent class indicates our custom health component for the tank and turrets.

    1.3. GameModes folder: contains 1 TankGameModeBase class indicates our custom GameModeBase class.

    1.4. Pawns folder: contains 3 classes, PawnBase class for all derived classes' parent class, PawnTank class for the tank and PawnTurret class for turrets.

    1.5. PlayerControllers folder: contains 1 PlayerControllerBase indicates our custom PlayerController class.




MIT license