Google Drive Sharer Client SDK
composer require yuudrive/drive-sdk
// include your composer dependencies
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use YuuDrive\DriveSDK\Client;
$client_id = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE";
$client_secret = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE";
$developer_key = "YOUR_DEV_KEY_HERE";
$redirect_uri = '';
$client = new Client($client_id, $client_secret, $developer_key, $redirect_uri);
$authURI = $client->authURI();
$fetchToken = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code)->getResponse();
print_r($fetchToken->data); // return raw response
echo $fetchToken->getAccessToken() // return access_token attribute
echo $fetchToken->getRefreshToken() // return refresh_token attribute
$fetchToken = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($refresh_token)->getResponse();
print_r($fetchToken->data); // return raw response
echo $fetchToken->getAccessToken() // return access_token attribute
echo $fetchToken->getRefreshToken() // return refresh_token attribute
// passing access token parameter
// OR
$profile = $client->profile()->getResponse();
// attributes:
$profile->getId(); // get User id
$profile->getEmail(); // user email
$profile->getName(); // name
$profile->getPicture(); // profile picture
$file = $client->getFile($file_id)->getResponse();
$file->getId(); // file id
$file->getName(); // file name
$file->getSize(); // file size
$file->getExtention(); // file extention
$file->getChecksum(); // file checksum
$files = $client->getFiles()->getResponse();
// only return the file list
// only return the folder list
$create_folder = $client->folder($folder_name)->setRole('reader')->setPermissionType('anyone');
// to set folder color
// to set folder starred
//execute instance
$create_folder = $create_folder->create()->getResponse();
print_r($create_folder->data); // to return object response
Permission role list The role granted by this permission. While new values may be supported in the future, the following are currently allowed:
- owner
- organizer
- fileOrganizer
- commenter
- reader
Permission type list The type of the grantee. Valid values are:
- user
- group
- domain
- anyone