A simple one page app that consumes the yugioh api and displays the details about the cards. The app uses the YGO PRO DECK ' V5 api to fetch the data.
this was made using :
I'm not caching pictures , if you want to build on upon this , try and cach the images .
this is why :
'Please download and store all data pulled from this API locally to keep the amount of API calls used to a minimum.
Failure to do so may result in either your IP address being blacklisted or the API being rolled back.'
This is a simple spa with minimum functionalities
Search and display.
pnpm install
npm install
pnpm run serve
npm run serve
pnpm run build
npm run build
you can contact me at ZTF666@protonmail.ch or via my portfolio
💎YuGiOh card lister💎 released under the MIT License.
Made with 💘 by a 👨💻 on a 💻 | 2020 | ZTF666 - N.EA