A simple one page app that consumes the yugioh api and displays the details about the cards. The app uses the YGO PRO DECK ' V5 api to fetch the data.
## How does it work :By Default the list of card displayed when the page is accessed are EXODIA's.
This can be changed in the code to which ever card you want or tinker and diasble the list at the launch .
Click on **More Detail** to display the flavour text of the card .
# in case of the error : Unable to find the wrapper “https”
# enable this extension in the php.ini
you can contact me at ZTF666@protonmail.ch or via my portfolio
💎YU GI OH CARD LISTER | 遊 戯 王 💎 released under the MIT License.
Made with 💘 by a 👨💻 on a 💻 | 2020 | ZTF666 - N.EA