Minor fixes regarding (among others) PDF and invoice attachments, in detail:
- #705 specifiedLogisticsCharge is not imported
- #707 invoiceimporter may fail if certain values are not set
- #708 embedded files cannot be determined
- #709 ZUGFeRDInvoiceImporter ignored "first" embedded file in list of pdf attachments
- #607 Enable flexible PaymentReference and a DocumentName.
- #649 Reuse toPDF method to work without any dependencies to the file system
- #650 Add net.sf.offo:fop-hyph
- #665 Fix #632: Return ubl_creditnote as Standard for CreditNotes
- #684 Optimize validation-report to pdf functionality
- #703 Fill TaxExemptionReason during InvoiceImport.
- #701 Ensure Base64 decoding can handle newlines when decoding a FileAttachment
- #691 Fix current check failures.