2.4.0: Might be the biggest since 2.0.0
Commit history: 2.3.9...2.4.0
Enlightened6 & Enlightened6Expert - 2.3.1 -> 2.4.0
Using Forge-1.16.5-36.2.39 | Mod Updates | Modlist
Mods Added
- Better End Potato Edition (by pOtAto__bOy)
- Embeddium (by embeddedt)
- MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) (by MehVahdJukaar)
- Not Enough Recipe Book [NERB] (by SSKirillSS)
Mods Removed
- BetterEnd Reforked (by someoneelsewastaken)
- Compact Crafting (by RobotGryphon)
- Game Stages (by DarkhaxDev)
- Guns Without Roses (by Lykrast)
- Restriction: Re-Restricted (by Darkere)
- Rubidium (by Asek3)
- Hand over your items
You can give items on your hand to your firends simply by shift-right-click your friends, no need to toss items around anymore!
- Right-click block conversion
Shift-right-click a block with something in your hand, boom, a new block. If you don't want to do it by hand, don't worry, it also comes with a Create Deploying recipe.
- Allow manually enhancing Revolver
You can makes your Revolver better through custom recipes, instead of completely relying on Villager Trades
- rework Betterend::infusion recipe for enchantment book
Including refactoring existed recipe for more than 30 kinds of enchantment. Also added recipes for two powerful enchantment
- Runed Marble now require Golden Leaves
- [Expert] Rework Storage Drawers recipe to merge hundreds of similar recipe into one
Storage Drawers recipe rework for normal mode coming soon.
- Rework Chest/Sign/CraftingTable recipes to merge hundreds of similar recipe into one
- rework GameStage and Restriction feature, no additional mods required now!
- Rework Tooltips and JEI Descriptions to make them localizable
This improvement has been brought back to original E6E
- Cutting recipe for turning Root into Root(item)
This improvement has been brought back to original E6E
- A new recipe for 'catching' koi from koi_bucket
- A new way of producing Flux Dust, using Matter Block
- Ender Cell now require Conductive Frame
- Enable Crate and Backpack from Quark
- Enable Cake slices for Neapolitan cakes
- and many recipe changes, and internal changes, and many config cleanup, and ...
- Flux Nugget recipe
- Immersive Cooking scrpits not fully removed
- packmode accepts invalid modes
- Serenity effect blocking nearly any spawns
- Supplementaries Manual not in Akashic Tome
- Life Mending too hard to obtain after Eidolon removal