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A Sveltekit blog by Zach Saucier

This blog started as a fork of Josh Collinsworth's Sveltekit static blog starter. It grew to encompass many more features and does things a bit differently.


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  • It lives under /blog instead of the top level so you can keep your main website separate.
  • Static site generation with hydration. Every route is compiled down to static HTML and routed with (optional) JavaScript, thanks to the SvelteKit static adapter.
  • Markdown support with GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM).
  • Styles per component along with a single global stylesheet for general styles (mostly article content styles). With CSS variables and CSS nesting, there's no need for SASS!
  • mdvsex support so you can use Svelte components in your Markdown files!
  • Automatic page transitions.
  • Responsive and accessible defaults including a "skip to content" link, accessible navigation and components, and accessible emojis.
  • Basic SEO for blog posts.
  • RSS feed for users to easily subscribe to new posts.
  • Draft blog post functionality so you can save to the same place but not have the link show up in your listings or counts.
  • Footnotes functionality
  • Blog excerpt functionality so that you can show the start of your blog posts on the blog homepage instead of the description.
  • Tags (categories) functionality which make looking for specific types of posts easy.
  • Advanced pagination where only the nearest 5 pages are shown along with "first" and "last" page buttons when applicable.
  • Support for year sub-directories within posts. This makes organizing your posts much more pleasant. You could easily add the year to the URL if you'd like.
  • Recent posts functionality if you want to show the last X recent posts.
  • Archive functionality which is similar to the blog listing but only shows the title and tags with a different layout that focuses on the year it was published. Demo.
  • Collapsible sidebar.
  • Tweet and CodePen embeds.
  • Image lightboxing functionality with built in image serving for high DPI devices.
  • High quality search functionality using Pagefind.
  • Clickable section headings to make sharing to a particular part of a post a breeze.
  • Table of contents for blog posts that outlines the sections of each page.
  • Tweet button to let users more easily share to Twitter (X).
  • Automatic widow prevention to make your blocks of text look better.
  • Email signup functionality. It makes use of Mailchimp, but you could easily switch out the email provider for another of your choice.

Getting started

I recommend forking this repo and then cloning it from there so that your changes are independent of the ones I will make in the future.

Use npm run dev to get it running locally.

In order to get the search functionality working locally, you must build the project using npm run build. If you want the search content to update, you need to rebuild the project.


Good sources for docs are:

Getting help

You're free to create an issue on this repo and if I have the time I am likely to respond. But no promises!


Zach Saucier's personal blog, built on Sveltekit.








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