Local coop basketball game made in Unity Game Engine.
Game was completely overhauled to use 3D physics while maintaining the visual 2D artwork and systems were vastly improved to provide for a better gameplay experience.
Timing based shooting mechanic where shot quality is determined by timing the release with the peak of the player's jump. Perfect shots are released at the optimal 55 degree angle favoring the back rim, with higher backspin. Imperfect shots have random error applied in the various categories including backspin, shot position, and release angle.
In the spirit of the 2D to 3D overhaul, a wall jump/slide mechanic was added to add a unique vertical twist to traditional basketball.
Physics based ragdolling. Intended for ankle breakers rather than jumping face first into walls :)
- Unity 2023.3.13f1 or higher
- TextMeshPro
- EZCameraShake