SFU Gobbles is an android game coded in a java based around Tic-tac-toe and takes inspirtaion from the game Goblet Gobblers. To play the game one must take a picture of 3 SFU students to act as tokens. There are 6 tokens (2 of a kind). Each token has its own value from 1-3. If a token has a higher value that another than it can overwrite it on the tic-tac-toe board. Whomever gets 3 tokens of their own in a row/column/diagonally (similar to tic-tac-toe) wins the game.
Build/Run Instructions:
Need android studio with mobile phone running android / android emulator
Names | SFU emails | Github
Zaid Arshad | zaa10@sfu.ca | ZaidArshad
Devin Dang | dda59@sfu.ca | devindang7
Daniel Nguyen | dvn1@sfu.ca | danielvnguyen
Wikipedia Path (using hyperlinks):
SFU -> mod -> video game -> tic-tac-toe
Game inspiration from boardgame "Gobblet Gobblers"
App icon: https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/hungry-emoticon-260nw-70876951.jpg
Button sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8y0JMVwdmM
Victory sound: https://www.myinstants.com/instant/number-one-victory-royale-yeah-fortnite-we-bout-29836/
Consume sound: https://www.myinstants.com/instant/minecraft-eating-sound-39731/