- Git
- CMake
- A compiler with C++17 support
- Linux only: libgl1-mesa-dev, libasound2-dev and xorg-dev packages.
Third party libraries used:
- OpenGL - The OpenGL library.
- GLM - OpenGL Mathematics Library (
- GLEW - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (
- GLFW - Library used for creating windows and access to the user's input (
- STB - Library used for reading common image file formats (
- MiniAudio - Library for playing audio in 3D virtual environments (
- Nlohmann JSON - Library for parsing JSON Objects (
- FreeType - Library for reading OpenType font files (
- Google Test - Library used for creating unit tests for the SombraEngine library (
- Dear ImGui - Library used for creating the GUI of the SombraEngine editor (
Project structure:
- /build - Object files and other CMake output
- /editor - SombraEngine Editor
- /example - Game example created with the SombraEngine
- /sombra - SombraEngine library source dir